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National Academies are integral part of the FEPS Training Strategy, as adopted in 2022, and aim at equipping progressives with necessary skills and competences. In 2024 we have exciting plans to continue our national academies in Austria Europapolitische Akademie  and Hungary New Equality Academy 2024 amongst others.

The Europapolitische Akademie 2024 is a training academy that is aimed at young social democrats, aged between 20 and 40 years, and will consist of four seminar weekends in Vienna and a three-day introductory tour to Brussels. The Europapolitische Akademie aims to provide the participants with extensive knowledge about the European Union, its institutions, the EU legislative process, and core policies.

The New Equality Academy 2024 is the continuation of the successful FEPS-Policy Solutions cooperation on “New Equality Academy”. This project aims to build bridges among progressive political forces by providing training to social democratic and green-left youth.

Please contact if you have any questions regarding our national academies.

Find all events on National academies
Budapest, Hungary (Training)

New Equality Academy 2024

Budapest, Hungary

How to pursue gender equality in the context of right wing, authoritarian regimes?

The cases of Hungary and Serbia
Vienna, Austria and Brussels, Belgium

European Political Academy

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