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The National Recovery and Resilience Plans represent the new framework in which European member states identify their development strategies and allocate European and national resources – with the objective of relaunching socio-economic conditions following the coronavirus pandemic.

This process, initiated as part of the European response to the global health crisis, follows the construction of NextGenerationEU. It combines national and European efforts to relaunch and reshape the economy, steering the digital and climate transitions. For European progressives, it is worth assessing the potential of these national plans for curbing inequalities and delivering wellbeing for all, as well as investigating how to create a European economic governance that supports social, regional, digital and climate justice.

The Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) and the Institut Emile Vandervelde (IEV), in partnership with firstrate knowledge organisations, have built a structured network of experts to monitor the implementation of National Recovery and Resilience Plans and assess their impact on key social outcomes. Fact- and data-based evidence will sharpen the implementation of national plans and instruct progressive policymaking from the local to the European level.The Recovery Watch will deliver over 15 policy studies dedicated to cross-country analysis of the National Recovery and Resilience Plans and NextGenerationEU. Monitoring the distributive effects of EU spending via NextGenerationEU, and the strategies and policies composing the national plans, the project will focus on four areas: climate action, digital investment, welfare measures and EU governance.

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The real effects of Next Generation EU

Recovery Watch Series

How can RepowerEU consolidate recovery?

Recovery Watch series

Towards a renewables scale-up that works for nature

Recovery Watch series
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Online (Expert meeting)

Social measures in the NRRPs

Recovery Watch series
FEPS HQ (Expert meeting - Hybrid)

Lessons for EU Economic Governance

Recovery Watch series
Rome, Italy

National Recovery & Resilience Plans: Assessing to improve

Recovery Watch series

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Progressive Post

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Can we have a political debate on the Economic Union we want?

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Pills of hope – priorities for left-wing politics

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Portugal: an absolute majority for stability and a progressive agenda

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To build better post-Covid societies, we must break the high inequality, high poverty cycle

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Covid-19: exposing the missing link – the migrant health-integration nexus

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Find all news on Recovery Watch

How to make the best use of the Resilience and Recovery Fund

The first results of the Recovery Watch research project were presented to the Italian public in Rome on 15 December

FEPS launches ‘Recovery Watch’, a new research project

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In the media

Após 66 anos de adiamentos, a barragem do Pisão entrou em contra-relógio

by Pùblico 19/08/2023
'After 66 years of postponements, the Pisão dam has entered a race against time' Pùblico's article mentions FEPS Policy Study 'Governing the RRF'

Pourquoi – et comment – pérenniser Next Generation EU

by OFCE 27/04/2023
"Why - and how - to make Next Generation EU sustainable" OFCE Article about FEPS Policy Study "Making Next-Generation EU a permanent tool", with the collaboration of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, OFCE and Institut Emile Vandervelde

L’Italia non riesce a usare il Pnrr: abbiamo speso solo un terzo dei 42 miliardi di euro stanziati

by L'Espresso 09/01/2023
'Italy fails to take advantage of the NRRP: we have spent only one-third of the 42 billion euros allocated' L'Espresso article on the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Plans.

Gli effetti della crisi sulle famiglie e sul settore dell’agricoltura

by Radio Vaticana 19/12/2022
"The impact of the crisis on families and the agricultural sector" Radio Vaticana. Interview (18'45) with David Rinaldi, FEPS Director of Studies and Policy, on the Recovery Watch series of publications

Nuova economia ok, ma l’inquinamento?

by Il Fatto Quotidiano 19/12/2022
"A new economy OK, but what about pollution?" Il Fatto Quotidiano article on FEPS Policy Study "Policy challenges and actions for a just climate transition"
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Find all audiovisual on Recovery Watch

#133 FEPS Talks ‘The successes and critical aspects of the NextGenEU’

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Institut Emile Vandervelde (IEV)

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Network and Team


Policy Analyst on Economy


Director of Studies and Policy

Thainá LEITE

Project Officer

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