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The Progressive Economics Network (PEN) is a network of top economic advisors and policy analysts from across Europe and the US. The objective of the PEN is to offer space for a progressive community for exchange and brainstorming on innovative policy proposals on the current pertinent policy issues in the EU and in transatlantic relations.

PEN was started in 2022 by FEPS, FES and DPZ. So far it had several in-person meetings: April 2023 in US on industrial and trade policies, September 2023 in Brussels on indusrial and fiscal policy and in January 2024 in Brussels on inflation and monetary policy. For 2024-25, the thematic priorities are European fiscal space and coordination of trade and industrial policies.

For more info, please, contact Policy Analyst Anna Kolesnichenko or Project Officer Vanessa Zwisele

Find all events on Progressive Economics Network
FEPS HQ (Expert meeting)

Progressive Economics Network

Towards a progressive toolbox to deal with inflation
Brussels, Belgium (Expert meeting)

Progressive Economics Network

Getting the Green Deal Done
Washington DC, USA (Expert meeting)

Progressive Economics Network

In-person meetings in the margins of the IMF Spring Meetings

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Find all Progressive Post on Progressive Economics Network
Progressive Post

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EU economic governance needs a champion and a package solution

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Clear head and nerves of steel – the dilemma of reforming our fiscal rules

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Find all audiovisual on Progressive Economics Network

Progressive Economics Network

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Das Progressive Zentrum (DPZ)

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