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Find all publications on Neighbourhood

Redefining European engagement in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

From financial aid to institution building

The case of Ukraine’s candidacy to the EU

Progressive policy towards the eastern neighbourhood as a cornerstone of the EU's stability and security

From the Green Deal to REPower EU

What about the EU’s Southern fossil gas suppliers?

Terra incognita

Foresight series: The long-term implications of the war in Ukraine
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Find all events on Neighbourhood
FEPS HQ (Expert meeting - Hybrid)

Trade and global supply chains in 2030

Foresight series: The long-term implications of the war in Ukraine

War in Ukraine: consequences for the EU’s eastern policy


2nd FEPS-FMS Neighbourhood Dialogue: Reclaiming Democracy!

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Find all Progressive Post on Neighbourhood
Progressive Post

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Securing democracy in the Western Balkans by strengthening the rule of law

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The Western Balkans: divided over the war in Ukraine

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Stop feeding the bear – the European Green Deal can be Putin’s kryptonite

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Find all news on Neighbourhood

Notice of vacancy – Policy analyst on international relations

This vacancy is now closed.

Grzegorz Pietruczuk is FEPS Progressive Person of the Year

FEPS Progressive Person of the Year 2023

HRVP Josep Borrell participates in FEPS expert meeting on the war and the reconstruction of Ukraine

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In the media

Omnibus Dibattito

by La 7 19/05/2022

Mehr als 2 Drittel der jungen Menschen Angst vor einem Krieg in Europa

by STOL 19/05/2022

I giovani hanno paura della guerra in Europa. E vogliono più spese militari

by 24 Ore 19/05/2022

Finlandia nella Nato, l’ira di Mosca

by Corriere della Sera 19/05/2022

Badanie: Młode pokolenie z całej Europy obawia się rozszerzenia wojny

by 19/05/2022
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Find all audiovisual on Neighbourhood

Trade and global supply chains in 2030

HRVP Josep Borrell at FEPS expert meeting on Ukraine war and reconstruction

#118 FEPS Talks ‘The war in Ukraine and the future of EU Enlargement’

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Network and Team


Policy Analyst on International Relations

Thainá LEITE

Project Officer

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