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Ahead of the UN Summit of the Future, which will take place in New York in September 2024, FEPS—as the central hub for European progressive thinking—, in partnership with FEPS’ member foundations, launched the project ‘UNited for: A New Global Deal’, which includes a high-level group of experts from across Europe.

FEPS is participating in the political and civil society tracks leading to the Summit – with a Pact for the Future as its primary outcome. As a progressive contribution to the Summit and the Pact, FEPS has identified various global governance reforms to be implemented in the form of a New Global Deal.

Five years before the deadline connected to the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda,  there is a general backtrack and increasing inequalities worldwide. A New Global Deal is fundamental to enabling many more countries to implement the SDGs.

Find all publications on Global governance

Beyond humanitarian aid: the EU’s approach to alleviating food crisis in the Sahel at a time of global insecurity

'12 years of crises in the Sahel' series

SDGs for all: Strategic scenarios

Earth4All system dynamics modelling of SDG progress

Terra incognita

Foresight series: The long-term implications of the war in Ukraine
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Find all events on Global governance
21 - 22/06/2024
Berlin, Germany

Progressive Governance Summit 2024

Progressive security: Championing change in times of uncertainty
09 - 10/05/2024
Nairobi, Kenya

UN Civil Society Conference

FEPS panel: A New Global Deal to implement the SDGs
Vienna, Austria (Expert meeting)

A new global deal to advance and implement the SDGs

Towards the Summit and Pact of the Future

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Find all Progressive Post on Global governance
Progressive Post

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Reforming development finance to address crisis times

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Contested multilateralism and the crisis of cooperation

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Find all news on Global governance

Notice of vacancy – Policy analyst on international relations

This vacancy is now closed.

FEPS President at the SDG Summit and United Nations General Assembly in New York

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Find all in the media on Global governance
In the media

Une réforme de l’UE qui intéressera forcément les Suisses

by Le Temps 24/11/2023
'EU reform bound to be of interest to the Swiss', an opinion piece in Le Temps on EU Treaties changes by Maria João Rodrigues, FEPS President, Guillaume Klossa, Director of think tank EuropaNova and Daniela Schwarzer, Executive board member Bertelsmann Stiftung

« Le moment est venu de lancer un débat sur la réforme de l’Union européenne »

by Le Monde 22/11/2023
'The time has come to launch a debate on the reform of the European Union', an opinion piece in Le Monde on Eu Treaties changes by Maria João Rodrigues, FEPS President, Guillaume Klossa, Director of think tank EuropaNova and Daniela Schwarzer, Executive board member Bertelsmann Stiftung

Tyskland vill slopa vetorätt inom EU

by ETC 29/07/2022

Post-pandemic recovery, a chance for renewed multilateralism? – EURACTIV


Borrell: “La crisis del multilateralismo no es sólo responsabilidad de Trump” – Agencia EFE/La Vanguardia

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Find all audiovisual on Global governance

The future of foreign policy is feminist

First meeting of the Feminist Foreign Policy Progressive Voices Collective

Walking the talk – Feminist Foreign Policy in action

Brazil-EU: Parliamentarians’ exchange

How to strengthen cooperation on the climate and sustainable development agendas

#139 FEPS Talks ‘Lula’s new government: the prospects for the EU-Brazil relations’

Trade and global supply chains in 2030

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Network and Team


Policy Analyst on International Relations

Thainá LEITE

Project Officer


FEPS President

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