One in three women has suffered physical or sexual violence at least once in their lifetime (according to UN Women and WHO). Gender-based violence is both the cause and result of gender inequality. This scourge has been severely exacerbated due to the Covid-19 pandemic leading to a dangerous surge of a longstanding and deeply rooted problem.

FEPS and Foundation Jean-Jaurès have joined forces to publish a series of publications to shed light on specific dimensions of gender-based violence.

Find all publications on Gender-Based Violence

Spotlight on the political groups as gender equality actors

Struggles over issues of gendered violence in the European Parliament

Political participation and violence against women in politics in Southeastern Europe


Gender-based violence against women and girls with disabilities

Gender-based violence series

Violence against lesbians, bi women and trans people: Adapting the public response to the diversity of LGBTI+ life experiences

Gender-based violence series
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Find all events on Gender-Based Violence
Budapest, Hungary

How to pursue gender equality in the context of right wing, authoritarian regimes?

The cases of Hungary and Serbia
Barcelona, Spain

Accelerating progress

Towards a feminist future of work, without violence against women and from a European perspective
Vienna, Austria

10th Barbara Prammer Symposium 2024

Democracy without feminism is no democracy

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Find all Progressive Post on Gender-Based Violence
Progressive Post

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Unsilenced voices: women’s struggle for rights in Iran and Afghanistan

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War in Ukraine: women facing the scourge of gender-based violence

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Education first – the truth about gender-based violence

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Find all audiovisual on Gender-Based Violence

‘How to pursue gender equality in the context of right wing, authoritarian regimes?’ Flickr album

Accelerating progress Flickr album

Walking the talk – Feminist Foreign Policy

“A credible future #BeyondGrowth is a feminist future” Laeticia Thissen

Feminist Framework for the Secretary General’s report “Our Common Agenda”

#ProgressivesSpeakUp 2023 – A Europe for women!

School of young local and regional politicians
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Network and Team


Director of Studies and Policy

Laeticia THISSEN

Senior Policy Analyst on Gender Equality

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