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Progressive Yearbook 2024

Looking back to look ahead

EU Treaties – Why they need targeted changes

An approach based on European public goods, citizenship and democracy

The progressive potential of the EU

FEPS Primers series - Richard Corbett
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Austrian Permanent Representation, Brussels

The European Pillar of Social Rights

Turning principles into practice
London, UK (Hybrid)

FEPS-Fabian new year conference 2024

Plans for power
EP, Brussels (Hybrid)

EU Treaties

Why they need targeted changes

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Find all Progressive Post on Future of Europe
Progressive Post

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A European interest: is there such a thing?

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Interview with Maria João Rodrigues on the need for EU treaty changes with Euronews


The EU at the time of the New Cold War

A manifesto signed by FEPS President and FEPS Secretary General

Siena conference on the Future of Europe

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In the media

Ex-EU-Kommissar Andor: Orbán gerät an die Peripherie

by Austria Presse Agentur 28/05/2024
"Former EU Commissioner Andor: Orbán is relegated to the periphery" Austrian news agency APA interviewed FEPS Secretary General László Andor on Europe's political situation ahead of the upcoming EU elections.

Teresa Ribera, premiada por su labor en política internacional

by El Plural 26/01/2024
Teresa Ribera has been recognized by FEPS with the 'Progressive Person of the Year' award during the launch of the 'Progressive Yearbook.' Article by El Plural

Teresa Ribera, premio ‘Progressive person of the year’ por su labor en política internacional

by Europa Press 26/01/2024
Teresa Ribera has been recognized by FEPS with the 'Progressive Person of the Year' award during the launch of the 'Progressive Yearbook.' Article by Europa Press

Jacques Delors e um novo impulso europeu

by Público 08/01/2024
'Jacques Delors and a new European impulse' Article for Público by FEPS President Maria João Rodrigues about Jacques Delors' legacy and the future of Europe

Γιατί χρειαζόμαστε την Ευρωπαϊκή Πολιτική Κοινότητα

by News 24/7 05/12/2023
'Why do we need the European Political Community?' Hedwig Giusto, Senior Research Fellow and Editor-in-Chief of the Progressive Post, writes in News 24/7 about the importance of the European Political Community and the difficulties the project might encounter in the future.
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Find all audiovisual on Future of Europe

Post-election steps forward for EU socialists with Sergei Stanishev

Post-election steps forward for EU socialists with Sergei Stanishev

Interview with Minister Teresa Ribera, FEPS Progressive Person of the Year

FEPS Talks #142

Interview with Minister Teresa Ribera – FEPS Progressive Person of the Year

EU Treaties Flickr Album

What to do about right-wing populism?

Next Left Lecture III
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Network and Team


Director for Research and Training

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