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Find all publications on Democratic Resilience

Social democracy without the people

Case study of the Polish Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)
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Find all events on Democratic Resilience
03 - 04/05/2024
La Hulpe, Belgium

Training of Trainers first session

Vienna, Austria

The transformation of the European mainstream right and its impact on (social) democracy 

FEPS HQ (closed-door workshop)

A free and democratic Europe: Countering far-right populism

Workshop within the S&D Youth event

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Find all Progressive Post on Democratic Resilience
Progressive Post

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Croatia’s super election year starts with a possible sharp turn to the right

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The Democratic Shield: safeguarding democracy in the age of AI

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Defending democracy in the digital world

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The 2024 super-election year: navigating the geopolitical disinformation maze

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Pedro Sánchez, the dam that contains the European right’s taste for the extreme right

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Find all news on Democratic Resilience

FEPS at the PES Election Congress in Rome


Joint priorities for the Defence of Democracy Package

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Find all in the media on Democratic Resilience
In the media

La ultraderecha se reorganiza para devorar a los populares en Europa

by El País 03/06/2024
EL País article focuses on the changing relationship between the mainstream right and the far-right. It mentions FEPS Policy Study 'The transformation of the mainstream right and its impact on (social) democracy' and includes interviews with some of its authors.

AI won’t replace quality journalism, but sector needs safeguarding, says socialist think tank head

by Euractiv 18/03/2024
Interview with FEPS President on the role of media in Europe’s future

The EU’s magic solution

by Euractiv 29/09/2022
Interview with FEPS Secretary General László Andor on the conditionality mechanism to Hungary

Věra Jourová appelle à une coopération médiatique transfrontalière – EURACTIV


Jourová calls for cross-border media cooperation – EURACTIV

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Find all audiovisual on Democratic Resilience

‘The transformation of the European mainstream right and its impact on (social) democracy’ Flickr album

‘The transformation of the mainstream right in Western Europe’ Flickr album

‘A free and democratic Europe: Countering far-right populism’ Flickr album

Progressive governance seminar Flickr album

“Something is radically wrong with the way we measure wealth and prosperity” Maria João Rodrigues

#110 FEPS Talks ‘Solidarity, respect and creativity – what makes democracies resilient’

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Network and Team


Policy Analyst on Democracy and Participation


Director for Research and Training


Project Officer

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