Child Union

Even before the pandemic, 23 million children in the EU were at risk of poverty and social exclusion. The pandemic has further exacerbated children’s inequality and it is now time for the European Union to act.


Even before the pandemic, 23 million children in the EU were at risk of poverty and social exclusion. The pandemic has further exacerbated children’s inequality and it is now time for the European Union to act.

On the occasion of the 2020 World Children’s Day (November 20), more than 300 prominent figures from the world of politics, academia and civil society have joined a Call to demand a rapid entry into force of the European Child Guarantee and a Next Generation EU funding that truly works for Europe’s next generations.

Find all publications on Child Union

The Social Pillar and the future of the EU Social Agenda


Delivering on the Child Guarantee

An assessment of the national plans' responses towards fighting inequalities in access to childcare

The role of the Recovery and Resilience Facility in strengthening childcare policies

Recovery Watch series

Country Specific feasibility study of the Child Union initiative – Hungary

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Find all events on Child Union

Call to Europe – The future is social

07 - 09/07/2022
Reggio Emilia, Italy

#ProgressivesSpeakUp 2022

School of young local politicians

Europe and Hungary investing in children!

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Find all Progressive Post on Child Union
Progressive Post

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Time for an EU Child guarantee: effective, inclusive and free

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For the establishment of a European Child Union

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Find all news on Child Union

Progressive leaders, academics and activists call for a European Child Union

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Find all in the media on Child Union
In the media

Un appello alla Ue, nella giornata mondiale del bambino


‘Unione dei bambini’, oltre 300 firme da Ue e territori


A call for a Child Union – Euractiv (EN)


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Find all audiovisual on Child Union

‘Call to Europe: The Future is Social’ Flickr album

Social Europe. Vision and Vigour with Björn Hacker

FEPS Talks #144

Social Europe. Vision and Vigour with Björn Hacker

Video FEPS Talks #144

ProgressivesSpeakUp: School of young local politicians

Workshop “For a Child Union: a community that cares” – Conference “For Europe. With Courage” (Berlin, 2021)

#45 FEPS Talks ‘For an effective EU Child Guarantee’

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Network and Team


Director of Studies and Policy

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