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Find all publications on Case studies

Next Left country case studies

Exploring the state of Social Democracy in France, Austria, Romania and Australia

Social democracy without the people

Case study of the Polish Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)

Leading the way

Lessons for Labour from Europe

The social democratic parties in the Visegrád countries

Predicaments and prospects for progressivism
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Find all events on Case studies
Sofia, Bulgaria

Bulgarian Social Democracy on the path to renewal

FEPS HQ (Expert meeting)

Ahead and beyond the elections

What are the major European political and social trends in 2024
Torun, Poland

Social democracy without the people? 

Policy study launch

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Find all Progressive Post on Case studies
Progressive Post

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Upcoming national elections in the Netherlands: the case for Social Democrats and Greens joining forces

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Bulgaria in circles – the fourth election in 18 months!

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Bulgaria: the raised fist – from hope to a threat to democracy

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Italy after the election: please, do not underestimate the danger

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Giorgia Meloni’s historical victory: three (or four) lessons for the Italian centre-left

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Find all in the media on Case studies
In the media

Sluta tro att SD-männen bara skojar om politiken

by AFTONBLADET 30/05/2023
'Stop thinking that the SD men are just joking about politics. When changes happen, they happen at lightning speed' Ania Skrzypek interviewed in this Swedish article about the Polish case

Polacy nieufni i “wyjątkowi” – “popandemiczne” badanie w UE

by TOK FM 22/05/2023
'Poles distrustful and "exceptional" - "post-pandemic" survey in the EU' TOK FM. Interview with Ania Skrzypek, FEPS Director for Research and Training, about the results of FEPS' European survey in six EU countries and the 'uniqueness' of the responses of the Polish people.

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Find all audiovisual on Case studies

‘Ahead and beyond the elections’ Flickr album

‘Living up to – not leaving aside’ Flickr album

Challenges for Social Democracy

COVID-19 crisis: Implications and lessons for European social democracy

Prospects for Labour victory in the UK

Next Left lecture II

The promise of freedom and democracy

European Social Democracy ahead of the 2024 EP elections
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Network and Team


Director for Research and Training


Project Officer

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