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Towards a renewables scale-up that works for nature

Recovery Watch series

Policy Study


Biodiversity in the EU is in a dire state, with 81% of EU habitats in poor or bad condition, and global heating records constantly being broken. Yet humans cannot live without either a stable climate or biodiversity

This policy study shows how selected Central and Eastern EU Member States plan to use recovery funds to speed up renewable energy deployment.

We analyse the impact this deployment will have on nature.

Biodiversity and climate emergencies must be tackled together and trade-offs between renewable energy and biodiversity can and must be reduced to an absolute minimum.

This policy study is part of the Recovery Watch, a structured network of experts monitoring the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plans, and assessing their impact on key social outcomes. 

This publication will be discussed during an event in the fall 2023, if you would like to be informed, please contact Euléane Omez, Project Management Coordinator, at euleane.omez@feps-europe.eu

CEE Bankwatch Network
Institut Emile Vandervelde (IEV)
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