Amandine CRESPY
Associate Professor of Political Science and European Studies at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). Over the past few years she was invited as a visiting fellow at the Freie Universität Berlin, Science Po in Paris and Harvard University. Her research deals with political conflict and the socio-economic dimension of European integration (public services liberalization, responses to the Euro-crisis, social policy and social democracy in the EU). From a theoretical point of view, she has a special interest in the role of ideas, discourse and contention with regard to collective choices and democracy in Europe. She has authored a number of articles in international journals (French Politics, JEPP, JCMS, BJPIR, Political Studies) several book chapters and coedited a volume entitled The Elusive Pursuit of Social Europe and the Eurocrisis (with Georg Menz, Palgrave: forthcoming)