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FEPS Weekly Newsletter 7 Oct 2022

📅FEPS Weekly Newsletter
FEPS team will be in Berlin next week! Big events Builders of Progress, Progressive Governance Summit, PES Congress. News books on social Europe and social democracy and much more!
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Upcoming Events
Next week will be an exceptionally important one at FEPS. Half of our team will be in Berlin to take part in two major events: the Progressive Governance Summit and the PES Congress 2022. We will actively participate in numerous panels and side events on the present and future of social democracy, solidarity in times of crises and war, the reform of economic governance, the case for EU enlargement and deepening, strategies for energy security and other key issues. Also next week, we will launch Europe’s most extensive youth-focused survey. Find here the information about all this and some of the recently launched books we will bring to Berlin. Stay tuned!
Builders of Progress: Europe’s Next Gen survey launch!
11 October – FEPS Headquarters, Brussels

Join us in the launch of Europe’s most extensive youth-focused survey! The Builders of Progress final report launch event will conclude a three-year research period, during which 19,000 young Europeans aged 16-38 were surveyed.

The project follows the tradition of FEPS’s long-standing work on researching Millennials and expands it to include Generation Z.

We would be delighted to welcome you in person at the FEPS headquarters in Brussels to fully enjoy the numerous expert panels, lunch, dinner and live music offered during the event. One part of the event will also be live-streamed.

We will discuss the project’s results on various topics, including young people’s views on political participation, climate change, equality, EU policies, the war in Ukraine, and the Covid-19 pandemic.
12-13 October – Berlin, Germany

Difficult times call for good friends. And even more so, good friends with a plan. Join leading international politicians, thinkers and strategists from both sides of the Atlantic as we plan what comes next for progressives.

This year’s PGS will explore how to build reliable progressive alliances that can respond to the urgent challenges our democracies are facing while shifting societies to a more green and just future.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz and EC VP Frans Timmermans will be among the speakers. Stay tuned for news on #PGS22!

All sessions on the main stage will also be live-streamed. Register here.

PES Congress 2022
13-15 October – Berlin, Germany

The PES Congress will welcome heads of state and government, European Commissioners, party leaders and other representatives. With the motto “With Courage. For Europe”, it comes at a moment of fundamental changes and high uncertainties. ℹ️ More information on the event’s website

During the Congress, FEPS will host the fringe event The future of the European project: enlargement VS deepening?’. Speakers include: Radmila Šekerinska, Former Minister of Defense of North Macedonia; Andreas Schieder, MEP and Chair of the Global Progressive Forum; MEP Domènec Rui Devesa; former MEPs Mercedes Bresso and Jo Leinen; Stefan Collignon, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE); and FEPS President Maria Joåo Rodrigues.
By László Andor

The European social model has been subjected to diverse debates, often doubting its existence or announcing the end of such a model.

Four factors have challenged the fate of welfare states & social standards in the EU: 1) neoliberal globalization 2) monetary union 3) eastern enlargement 4) digitalization

FEPS Secretary General, László Andor, examines them, offering first-rate analysis & imaginative ideas on the reforms needed to cope with them.

“It appears that major economic transformations and, in particular, the risk of intra-EU imbalances, divergence and polarisation drive forward social policy integration among European countries.” Read More
By Isabel Carvalhais, László Andor, Sheri Berman, Nathalie Tocci, Patrick Diamond, Anna Paczesniak, Andras Biro Nagy, Dimitris Tsarouhas, Jenny Andersson, Felix Butzlaff, Mafalda Damaso, Eric Sundström (…). Edited by Ania Skrzypek, Katharina Hofman and Robin Wilson

How can social democrats articulate convincing solutions to the many political challenges taking place today?

This book by FEPS and FES, with the support of Social Europe, gathers interviews and chapters by political thinkers, and presents a rich repertoire of ideas and proposals which offer some reasons to hope for better times ahead. Read More

📺You can watch the full interviews with the authors here!
By Maria João Rodrigues, Jo Leinen, Lucy Kinski, Isabelle Hertner, Ania Skrzypek, Anna Paczesniak,Tapio Raunio, Luciano Bardi, Christopher Lord, Domènec Ruiz Devesa, Friedrich Pukelsheim, Michael Keading (…)

Serving as an inspiration for ahead and beyond 2024, this book brings together a collection of creative and progressive proposals by high-level academics. They draw a new horizon for further political integration, which could strengthen the EU, bring new energy to its actors and make sure to leave no one behind. Read More
By Patrick Diamond, Andreas Schieder, Thijs Reuten, Marcin Duma, Ania Skrzypek, Tomáš Petříček, Marius S. Ostrowski, Anneliese Dodds (…)

On the occasion of the UK Labour Party Annual Conference that took place this week, the newest product of the collaboration between FEPS and the Fabian Society is now available online.

This collection of essays was put together to serve as an inspiration for conversations about progressivism in the United Kingdom and the European Union, benefiting from contributors such as EU-UK leading politicians, outstanding academics, and renowned experts on public opinion. Read More
By Annette Schrauwen

Ensuring the right to health in Europe is impossible without a sufficient health workforce. Yet the unequal distribution of the health workforce in ‘periphery’ countries and the ‘centre’ has hardly emerged in the discourse on a European Health Union.

This policy brief highlights why discussing health workforce challenges must be part of the EHU. It explores how existing EU competencies can be used to address these distributional inequalities and ultimately ensure access to health for all Read more
ANSA news agency

Interview with FEPS Director of Studies and Policy David Rinaldi.

Some of the results emerging from the Recovery Watch research project have been presented at a webinar by Sant’Anna University in Pisa and the leading Italian news agency ANSA. Rinaldi focused his intervention on the territorial dimension of the Italian NRRP and on the need to finance the childcare and care sector in general Read more
#125 FEPS Talks Podcast

🎙️Ana Sofia Fernandez, President of the Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights, and Laeticia Thissen, FEPS Policy Analyst for Gender Equality, exchange on the gendered nature of economic policy and governance mechanisms at EU level.

How do budgets mirror political priorities? What is their influence in perpetuating or redressing persisting gender gaps? How do they discriminate based on gendered assumptions about society and the economy? How can they be used as a powerful tool in transforming our societies? To what extent are gender budgeting tools applied in the recovery plans? These are some of the points touched upon as the EU is faced with crisis after crisis affecting women in acutely singular ways.

🎧 Listen to this podcast on Spotify | Apple Podcast | Website
According to Eurostat, Euro area annual inflation is expected to be 10 per cent in September 2022, with the most prominent drivers being energy, which is expected to have the highest annual rate in September (close to 40per cent) and food (close to 12 per cent).

Hundreds of millions of Europeans are currently experiencing the highest inflation of their lifetime, but its social impact is still under-appreciated.
Read More

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In the media

Eurozone Finance Ministers to talk belt tightening

by POLITICO 15/07/2024
FEPS Secretary General László Andor discusses the rise of supply-side progressivism following the success of the Labour Party in the UK Elections with POLITICO

NATO-bővítés sok vitával: érvek, ellenérvek és lobbik a Clinton-elnökség idején

by BBC History 07/07/2024
"The controversial NATO enlargement: pros, cons and lobbying during the Clinton presidency" This article, written by FEPS Secretary General László Andor, looks back to the 1990s when the Eastern enlargement of NATO was requested, discussed, orchestrated, and eventually completed.

Falsely historic European elections bring little change, says FEPS

by Agence Europe 18/06/2024
Agence Europe's article features an analysis of the EU election results by Ania Skrzypek, FEPS Director for Research and Training, published in The Progressive Post.

Die EU-Osterweiterung nach 20 Jahren: Kann die Konvergenz sozial und wirtschaftlich nachhaltig gestaltet werden?

by Wirtschaftsdienst 13/06/2024
'EU Eastward Enlargement After 20 Years: Socially and Economically Sustainable Convergence?' FEPS Secretary General László Andor co-authored this article of the German journal Wirtschaftsdienst