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FEPS Weekly Newsletter 4 Feb 2022

FEPS Weekly Newsletter
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Upcoming Events
Child guarantee in Hungary
11 February, 14:00-17:00

One out of four children in Europe lives in poverty or is at risk of poverty and social exclusion. That is why socialist and social democrats in the EU proposed the European Child Guarantee.

This hybrid public conference will look at the implementation of the Child Guarantee in Hungary. It is the first of a series of events.

Organised by FEPS, the PES Group in the European Committee of the Regions and the Szociális Demokráciáért Intézet (Institute for Social Democracy).
Strategic Autonomy

FEPS Progressive Yearbook has become a tradition and is now close to the heart of the progressive political family in Brussels and beyond.

This yearly edition counts on renowned authors’ contributions, including academics, politicians, and civil society representatives.

The third edition of this publication focuses on transversal European issues that have left a mark on 2021 and insightful future-looking analyses for the new year.

The past year has brought important changes which might amount to a new trend in Europe.
Discover what and why here!
Strategic Autonomy

Does the populist vote rise where most immigrants settle? Do Europe’s far-right parties treat immigration in the same way?

Hervé Le Bras tackles these and many other issues in Le Grand Enfumage (The Great Smokescreen, untranslated) throughout a detailed study of seven different countries: Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

The author analyses how these countries’ populist parties are evolving towards an identity-oriented vision, dramatised in France by the concept “grand remplacement”, the great replacement. More about the book here.
Strategic Autonomy
By Ana E. Juncos

This Policy Brief argues that it is in the areas of conflict prevention, mediation, post-conflict peacebuilding and resilience-building where the real EU’s strengths lie. According to the author, any vision of strategic autonomy should take this as the starting point.

This is the third publication of the
EU Strategic Autonomy series by FEPS, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, and Fondation Jean-Jaurès. Stay tuned, many more will be published soon!
In January, consumer prices increased by 5.1 per cent in the Eurozone compared to a year ago, setting a record-high since the single currency was created more than two decades ago. Still, the European Central Bank (ECB) forecasts that the inflation rate in the Eurozone will stabilise and gradually decline over the course of this year. Read more

Portugal: a Socialist landslide victory

Last Sunday, the Portuguese Socialist Party (PS) achieved a landslide election victory that was impressive and surprising. Impressive, as it resulted in an absolute PS majority in the Portuguese parliament, something that had happened only once before in the party’s long history. Surprising, as it was won against the odds of the polls before the elections – especially those very close to election day. Read more
#111 FEPS Talks Podcast
Listen to the conversation between Amandine Crespy, ULB Associate Professor, and David Rinaldi, FEPS Director of Studies and Policy, building on Crespy’s book “The European Social Question – Tackling Key Controversies”.

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In the media

Eurozone Finance Ministers to talk belt tightening

by POLITICO 15/07/2024
FEPS Secretary General László Andor discusses the rise of supply-side progressivism following the success of the Labour Party in the UK Elections with POLITICO

NATO-bővítés sok vitával: érvek, ellenérvek és lobbik a Clinton-elnökség idején

by BBC History 07/07/2024
"The controversial NATO enlargement: pros, cons and lobbying during the Clinton presidency" This article, written by FEPS Secretary General László Andor, looks back to the 1990s when the Eastern enlargement of NATO was requested, discussed, orchestrated, and eventually completed.

Falsely historic European elections bring little change, says FEPS

by Agence Europe 18/06/2024
Agence Europe's article features an analysis of the EU election results by Ania Skrzypek, FEPS Director for Research and Training, published in The Progressive Post.

Die EU-Osterweiterung nach 20 Jahren: Kann die Konvergenz sozial und wirtschaftlich nachhaltig gestaltet werden?

by Wirtschaftsdienst 13/06/2024
'EU Eastward Enlargement After 20 Years: Socially and Economically Sustainable Convergence?' FEPS Secretary General László Andor co-authored this article of the German journal Wirtschaftsdienst