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FEPS Weekly Newsletter 2 Dec 2022

📅FEPS Weekly Newsletter
Recovery Watch, energy, Call to Europe Prague, just transition,Builders of Progress and more!
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Upcoming Events
15 December – Rome, Italy

At this public seminar, we will present to the Italian public the first results of the ‘Recovery Watch‘ research project. Its objective is to understand how the recovery and resilience plans will shape the transformation of our society.

The results of the policy studies will be discussed with high-level speakers such as Fabrizio Barca, former Minister and Co-coordinator of Forum Disuguaglianze e Diversità, national and local policymakers, civil society organizations and experts.

We will present three sub-focuses linked to three policy contributions of the project:
1) Care policies and their gender dimension;
2) Childcare policies;
3) Climate measures impact on employment, particularly in the energy and automotive sectors.

This event is organised by FEPS, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), and Institut Emile Vandervelde, with the support of Forum Disuguaglianze e Diversità.
12 December – Online

Which markets is the EU currently tapping into to diversify away from Russian imports? Energy geopolitics has long shaped possibilities for energy access and affordability. Russia’s aggression against Ukraine is a game-changer on many levels for the future of this international order. Besides responding to the challenges triggered by the ongoing war, it is time to address its impact on the EU green deal and energy transition.

This webinar organised by FEPS and FES aims to discuss the geopolitics of the EU energy transition and launch FEPS’ new Policy Brief The Russia-Ukraine war: an inflection point for sustainable energy transitions written by Dr Caroline Kuzemko, Reader in International Political Economy at the University of Warwick.

28 November – Prague, Czech Republic

EU Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, Nicolas Schmit, was one of the speakers of this new edition of Call to Europe that took place in Prague, organised by FEPS, Masarykova Demokratická Akademie, and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

It brought together policymakers, academic experts, and activists to discuss not only the current crisis of living costs and the state of play for Social Europe, but also how European social and economic policy should be shaped so that all Europeans can have a decent quality of life.

Prior to the public conference, FEPS member foundations were invited to join a discussion on social democracy in central and Eastern Europe, followed by a closed-door roundtable on the energy crisis.
Territorial Just Transition Plans
30 November – FEPS HQ, Brussels

The Territorial Just Transition Plans (TJTPs) are part of the Just Transition Mechanism adopted in the context of the European Green Deal in 2019. The submission of the TJTPs and the process of drafting them have revealed significant divergences concerning their inclusiveness and detail.

This closed-door event organized by FEPS, FES, Solidar, CEE Bankwatch Network and World Wildlife Fund was an opportunity for people working on the TJTPs to meet and discuss these discrepancies. Experts, campaigners, members of civil society and decision-makers from local to EU level gathered to provide invaluable insights on the lay of the land.
28 November – FEPS HQ, Brussels

The transition to a political, social and economic model needs a holistic understanding to address the planetary emergencies and to implement the commitments of the European Climate Law.

The ‘Breaking down the silos’ workshop organised by FEPS and FES, aimed to disentangle the interlinkages between Climate Justice, Gender, Digital, and Health policies by bringing researchers and experts from different disciplinary backgrounds together.
29 November – Ljubljana, Slovenia

FEPS together with ThinkYoung and Društvo Progresiva presented the report ‘Builders of Progress: Europe’s NextGen‘ in Ljubljana. The report reveals the political views of Millennials and Generation Z in 11 European countries. It is based on the most comprehensive survey on the subject, collecting 19,000 responses from young Europeans aged 16-38.

During the event, we explored the many topics covered in the report, as well as an accompanying factsheet summarising the study’s key findings on Slovenia.

Ahead of next week’s EU-Western Balkans Summit, the Friends of the Western Balkans network, once again, urges the European leaders and institutions to overcome hesitations and move forward in the process of enlargement, in particular by granting candidate status to Bosnia-Herzegovina, defining a clear timeline for visa liberalisation for Kosovo and welcoming Pristina’s upcoming application.

Read the full open letter of the Friends of the Western Balkans network here.
Check the following job vacancies:

  • Economic Policy Analyst: Substantiate FEPS’ work on economic policy with particular attention given to issues of public finances, political economy, labour economics, internal market issues, and European economic governance. Deadline to apply: 15 December.
  • Digital Policy Analyst: Substantiate FEPS’ work on digital policy with particular attention given to issues of artificial intelligence and automation, technological change and innovation, digital single market, data governance and, not lastly, future of work. Deadline to apply: 20 December.
  • Project Officer: Plan and coordinate the administrative execution of assigned projects’ activities, including scheduling, reporting, document control, as well as the organization of related events. Deadline to apply: 2 January.
Can we have a political debate on the Economic Union we want?
By David Rinaldi

After several postponements, the European Commission put forward an orientation for a reform of the EU economic governance framework on 9 November. Now, hopefully, a real political discussion can take off.

Since the global financial crisis in 2007, the sovereign debt crisis, the migration and climate emergency and the emergence of the EU Green Deal, the global pandemic and the recovery process, and now the war, a lot of ink has been spilt by scholars, experts, think tankers, civil society and social partners to demand reforms of the European economic governance. However, the Commission moves on thin ice on this matter, as there is a wide political divide that no one wants to put under the spotlight, much less exacerbate.
Read more

Photo by Alexandros Michailidis, Shutterstock

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"The controversial NATO enlargement: pros, cons and lobbying during the Clinton presidency" This article, written by FEPS Secretary General László Andor, looks back to the 1990s when the Eastern enlargement of NATO was requested, discussed, orchestrated, and eventually completed.

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'EU Eastward Enlargement After 20 Years: Socially and Economically Sustainable Convergence?' FEPS Secretary General László Andor co-authored this article of the German journal Wirtschaftsdienst