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FEPS Newsletter 7 June 2024 – Use your vote!

Shape the future of the EU –

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Use your vote

The time has come. The time to #UseYourVote. The time to do your part to strengthen democracy, to have your voice heard and to choose the direction of the European project for the next five years. There is a lot at stake. 


Whatever happens, we will continue working to contribute to progressively shaping the EU and pushing forward the intellectual reflection on crucial topics for Europeans’ present and future. 


Use your vote. Or others will do it for you.

Advancing an Energy Minimum Right


Advancing an Energy Minimum Right

13 June – FEPS HQ – In collaboration with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES)

On the occasion of EU Sustainable Energy Week, we will be hosting a discussion to explore how and why Energy Minimum Rights (EMRs) emerged in the context of the EU debate around energy access, socioeconomic fairness and the Just Transition. This discussion will be connected with the upcoming publication of a related Policy Study by Professor Raphael Heffron.


By Jerome Creel and Jonas Kaiser – In collaboration with FES, Institut Emile Vandervelde (IEV) and Observatoire français des conjonctures économiques


This policy study offers an alternative method to assess the expected value added of Next Generation EU. Using domestic fiscal multipliers as a benchmark in the case studies of Germany, France, and Italy, this study suggests that the real impact of NGEU, especially through grants, could exceed those observed with loan-based stimuli, providing a potentially stronger economic boost.

Read 'How can RepowerEU consolidate recovery?'

This policy study is part of the Recovery Watch series, which monitors the Recovery and Resilience Facility’s social impact across various countries. The series is led by FEPS, FES, and IEV, in collaboration with leading research organisations.

The new Screening and Border Procedures: Towards a seamless migration process?

By Evangelia (Lilian) Tsourdi – In collaboration with FES and European Policy Centre


This new policy study analyses the newly adopted reforms introduced by the New Pact on Migration and Asylum, focusing on the three parts of the Pact’s revamped procedural set-up: screening, border asylum processing and border return procedures. Raising points for further reflection, this policy study suggests several possible initiatives, including actions to ensure adequate financial support, guarantees in relation to deprivation of liberty and for the protection of vulnerable applicants, and effective monitoring in the new system.

This is the first of four policy studies focusing on the implementation of the New Pact. 

By Angelica Vascotto – In collaboration with Centro Studi di Politica Internazionale (CeSPI) and Karl-Renner-Institut


What are the consequences of the presence of external actors in the Western Balkan region? 


In this policy brief, we delve into the interests and ambitions of Russia, China, Turkey and the Gulf States, and analyse what it means for the European Union.


This policy brief is part of the Balkan Focus series, published in collaboration with CeSPI and Karl-Renner-Institut, to inform you about recent political developments in the Western Balkans and the EU enlargement process.

External influences in the Western Balkans: Where are we at?
In the media
FEPS is in the news

Our latest media:

  • FEPS President Maria João Rodrigues co-authored an article published in Project Syndicate, advocating for the establishment of a Democracy Commissioner to protect the sustainability of news media, among other tasks.

FEPS President Maria João Rodrigues has been invited as a representative of the foundation to be part of the T20 Brasil’s International Advisory Council. The T20 is a G20 engagement group that brings together think tanks and research centres from G20 members. She participated in the first official meeting of T20 Brasil “Inception Conference T20 Brasil”, in which she discussed with representatives from Club de Madrid, AUDA, and CLACSO about the other multilateral process that will happen in the next two years. Read more. 

Listen to the podcast


Feminist leadership for systematic change

With Joanna Maycock and Ainara Bascuñana


🎧 Listen to this podcast on Spotify | Apple Podcast | Website or watch it on Youtube

This episode features Joanna Maycock, an award-winning feminist campaigner and co-author of the policy study “Women CSO Leaders for systemic change.” Interviewed by Ainara Bascuñana, Head of Communications at FEPS, Joanna analyses how transformational feminist leadership is the key to addressing society’s increasingly complex challenges and to a paradigm shift towards more sustainable, caring and inclusive societies. 


They also delve into the study’s findings, bringing to the forefront the data and remaining barriers female CSO leaders face in the workplace, concluding with recommendations on how to change the work culture and support feminist leadership in Europe. 

Progressive Post


Priorities for the next EU legislature

Article by Maria João Rodrigues, FEPS President 

Priorities for the next EU legislature

A new EU term will soon begin, and European progressives are now defining the priorities for the next five years in a rapidly changing world. Read FEPS President Maria João Rodrigues’ take on future trends and understand what is at stake in the upcoming elections. Over the upcoming five years, the European Union will cope with very different and challenging trends. The combination of all these trends might directly threaten the European project. However, another way is possible. Read more.

Photo Credits: Shutterstock/StunningArt

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Foundation for European Progressive Studies
Avenue des Arts, 46 – 1000 Bruxelles

+32 223 46 900 – info@feps-europe.eu

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In the media

Eurozone Finance Ministers to talk belt tightening

by POLITICO 15/07/2024
FEPS Secretary General László Andor discusses the rise of supply-side progressivism following the success of the Labour Party in the UK Elections with POLITICO

NATO-bővítés sok vitával: érvek, ellenérvek és lobbik a Clinton-elnökség idején

by BBC History 07/07/2024
"The controversial NATO enlargement: pros, cons and lobbying during the Clinton presidency" This article, written by FEPS Secretary General László Andor, looks back to the 1990s when the Eastern enlargement of NATO was requested, discussed, orchestrated, and eventually completed.

Falsely historic European elections bring little change, says FEPS

by Agence Europe 18/06/2024
Agence Europe's article features an analysis of the EU election results by Ania Skrzypek, FEPS Director for Research and Training, published in The Progressive Post.

Die EU-Osterweiterung nach 20 Jahren: Kann die Konvergenz sozial und wirtschaftlich nachhaltig gestaltet werden?

by Wirtschaftsdienst 13/06/2024
'EU Eastward Enlargement After 20 Years: Socially and Economically Sustainable Convergence?' FEPS Secretary General László Andor co-authored this article of the German journal Wirtschaftsdienst