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FEPS Newsletter 5 May 2023 – Climate

🌱 FEPS Newsletter: Climate
Policy breakfast(s), Just Transition, Teleworking, Delphi Economic Forum, State of the Union…
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Upcoming Events
Climate change is a systemic issue, and we won’t untangle it with basic siloed thinking. To achieve a Just Transition, we need a holistic understanding of how to fix planetary emergencies. This is why, through our policy breakfasts, we keep on mainstreaming climate in multiple policy fields. But we all know that even great ideas won’t resonate without the right narrative. Communication is key, especially nowadays when talking about climate neutrality. We researched for you the best ways to create an effective green communication. The positive examples are already there, we just need to say it.

And yes, our Secretary General was invited to some important stages, see what he had to say about European social inclusion and crisis management in the EU.

If you are in Brussels, let’s discuss all of these face to face. Join us Saturday at the European Parliament for the Open Days, we’ll be happy to welcome you at our stand!

by András Bíró-Nagy, Réka Hunyadi, Vanessza Juhász and Áron Szászi

How can you develop effective green communication? We asked focus groups and found out the best narrative to talk about the Just Transition. Through a public policy analysis, this study, with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) and Policy Solutions, aimed to understand the key challenges and formulate policy proposals for four key environmental issues in Hungary: air pollution, plastic pollution, the energy efficiency of buildings, and the country’s energy mix. Read more.
11 May – Online

Can we use digital innovation to mitigate climate change? What policies do we need to make the best of digitalisation, protect the environment and lower inequalities?
At this policy breakfast organised with FES, we’ll discuss the findings of theClimate and digital policy’ policy brief. Gerard Rinse Oosterwijk, FEPS Digital policy analyst, will be joined by the author Kerstin Hotte, Researcher at Institute for New Economic Thinking, Anna Berti Suman, Post-Doctoral Fellow at European Commission Joint Research Centre and Mauro Santaniello, Research Fellow at UNU-CRIS.
04 May – Online

Climate policies synergised by gender equality objectives are more successful at achieving the transformative impact required to tackle the climate crisis and ensure social justice.
Laeticia Thissen, FEPS Gender policy analyst, discussed climate and gender mainstreaming with Kata Tüttő, Deputy mayor of Budapest, Anke Stock, Senior Gender Expert at Women Engage for a Common Future, and Gill Allwood, Professor at Nottingham Trent University and author of the policy briefClimate and gender policies‘, in collaboration with FES.
03 May – FEPS HQ

Developing a “counter” Just Transition narrative composed of positive messages and relevant data has become necessary and urgent. We need concrete examples and powerful stories that tackle complex concepts.
Together with Solidar, we hosted a meeting on ‘narrative building’ in the framework of the European Alliance for a Just Transition. The members of the alliance will develop a common narrative that presents a socially Just Transition to climate neutrality as the way to address crises in the long term.
by Philippe Pochet

The analysis of the future of work is sandwiched between two megatrends. On the one hand, there is renewed hyper-globalisation in the services sector, reinforced by progress in digitalisation and AI.
On the other hand, there is a relocation of production and services linked to the imperative of the green transformation. Two tendencies that reflect the tension between the ‘ever-faster, ever-further’ and the idea to control time and space. Read more.
Photo credits: Shutterstock/ Alessio Tricani

László Andor, FEPS Secretary General, took part in the State of the Union, organised by the European University Institute (EUI). To face the many recurring crises affecting Europe, the EU has developed a number of policy schemes to back up member states in their national responses, and László Andor participated in a discussion about the impact of crisis management in the EU.

László Andor, FEPS Secretary General, participated in the Delphi Economic Forum to discuss the importance of social inclusion, the ways to foster it and the need to increase the social safety net at the European level.
His participation and the discussion that took place attracted a lot of media attention in Greek media such as in Naftemporiki, Efsyn or News 24/7.
Photo credits: Eteron

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