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FEPS Newsletter 3 Nov 2023 – 🌹 PES Congress in Málaga and #SocialEurope

📅 FEPS Newsletter: 🌹 PES Congress in Málaga and #SocialEurope
Exciting week ahead!
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Upcoming Events
Next week, a FEPS team delegation will travel to Málaga to actively participate at the🌹Congress of the Party of European Socialists (PES). At the side event organised by FEPS and PES CoR, we will explore what lies ahead for Social Europe after the current Commission’s mandate ends. The seminarLeading, not leaning’, by S&D and FEPS, will look at the ways PES can be a pioneer in the sphere of transnational politics in 2024 and beyond.

The #PES
Congress will unite PES heads of state and government, leaders and activists from across Europe to address the challenges facing Europe and the world. We will be there, for a fairer and more equitable EU.

Before that, busy days also in Brussels: don’t miss the high-level conference on social investments for resilient economies and societies and join the FEPS-World Bank discussion on the future of work.

We promised an exciting month of November; this is how it starts!

10 November – Málaga, Spain

Socialists and social democrats have revived Social Europe and kept it high on the EU’s political agenda. The EU Council presidencies of Spain and Belgium have already boldly signalled their ambition to fortify Social Europe further. However, the pressing question remains: what lies ahead for Social Europe after the current Commission’s mandate expires next year? Will we witness an expansion of Social Europe or a regrettable backtracking?

Join us for a stimulating and interactive discussion powered by the dynamic collaboration between the PES Group in the European Committee of the Regions and FEPS, that will count on the participation of prominent progressive politicians such as: Nicolas Schmit, Commissioner for Jobs and Social Right; José Luis Escrivá, Spain’s Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations; Ana Mendes Godinho, Portugal’s Minister of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security, among many others.
10 November – Málaga, Spain

This seminar, organised by S&D and FEPS, will look at the ways the Party of European Socialists can be a pioneer in the sphere of transnational politics in 2024 and beyond.

It will be an occasion to hear the views of the S&D Group Members of the European Parliament, who lead on the dossier ‘Strengthening and deepening of the political union’ and reflect, together with the invited guests from within the PES sister parties delegations, on the potential avenues for PES to continue being a champion and innovator when it comes to representative and participatory democracy on the EU level.
6 November – FEPS HQ

Technology is a driver of productivity, but it is also reshaping Europe’s labour landscape. Join this roundtable organised by FEPS and World Bank on how digitalisation is fuelling inequality. We will launch and discuss the new World Bank report ‘The future of work: Implications for equity and growth in Europe’.
8 November – Brussels

This high-level conference will gather speakers such as Nicolas Schmit, European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights; José Luis Escrivá, Spain Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration; and Frank Vandenbroucke, Belgium Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Social Affairs and Public Health.

It will be the occasion to present the preliminary findings of the Informal Working Group on Social Investment launched by the
Spanish Presidency and the Belgian Presidency of the EU, following the European Commission’s proposal to reform the economic governance framework, launched last April.
State of the Unions
Ties that bind: Testing the resilience of US-EU relations in an age of turbulence
15 November – Online

and German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) are bringing together leading European and US experts and policymakers for
the 6th State of the Unions conference to critically reflect on what we can expect from the US presidential race in the coming year and the impact the elections may have on the transatlantic partnership and on collective security across the Atlantic.
EU Treaties
Why they need targeted changes
16 November – EP, Brussels

War in our continent, geopolitical rivalry, climate emergency, cost of living crises, pandemic, tensions about migration, misinformation… This new context asks for a
stronger European capacity to act, and the current Lisbon Treaty shows its limits. The time has come to reassess it and identify some targeted changes.

With the debate about EU Treaty changes back on the agenda and ahead of the upcoming vote on the European Parliament report on treaty changes, join this event organised by S&D Group and FEPS. The authors of FEPS forthcoming report on the topic will be among the speakers, together with S&D MEPs and renowned experts.

18 November – Amsterdam

annual Africa Day is back! For 25 years, this has been the largest event about Africa in the Netherlands. The day will be full of workshops, debates, lectures, literature, films, music, a fashion show…

This year’s theme is climate justice. Nowhere is the challenge of the climate crisis as great as in African countries, even though they are not the big polluters. Politicians, activists, trade unionists and experts will be part of the programme prepared by FEPS and Foundation Max van der Stoel.
By Maria João Rodrigues

With two wars unfolding in the European neighbourhood, FEPS President, Maria João Rodrigues, reflects on the EU’s capacity to play its role as a major international actor and exert its own strategic autonomy.
Read more.
Photo credits: Shutterstock/ Shcherbyna Nataliia
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