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FEPS Newsletter 3 March 2023 – EU strategic autonomy, Gender, Q-commerce & Fiscal rules

📅 FEPS Newsletter: EU strategic autonomy, Gender, Q-commerce & Fiscal rules
Outcome of our 3-year-long research project and many events to share!
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Does the EU have the capacity to set priorities autonomously in its external action? What are the necessary political and institutional steps to get there? And how can EU strategic autonomy (ESA) help us face the challenges within and beyond EU borders?

This week we share the overall findings of FEPS three-year-long ‘Strategic Autonomy – pathways to progressive action’ project in partnership with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and Fondation Jean-Jaurès.

It was about time for progressive to provide an in-depth analysis of the concept of ESA and set the agenda on how to operationalise the term.
The case for public digital infrastructure
By Katja Bego

A harmful dynamic of centralisation of power dominates the current digital economy. If the EU wants to break through it, it should adopt a public digital infrastructure (PDI) model. This policy brief provides a blueprint of the institutions necessary to implement such a PDI framework. Read more.
By Aline Burni, Edward Knudsen, Justin Nogarede, Nicoletta Pirozzi and David Rinaldi

This is a summary of the main findings of our ESA research project. To adapt to the new global realities, the EU needs to act with more unity and coordination in the domains of ‘security & defence’, ‘economy & trade’ and ‘digital & technology’.

We must build resilience and reduce external dependence on certain fundamental resources. Find out more about how the EU could achieve its strategic autonomy goals and enhance its strength in an increasingly challenging world. Read more.
3 March – Warsaw, Poland

During the last years, the international community faced a series of complex crises, which test our resilience and ability to respond to the needs of the citizens.
These challenges evoke a vital discussion on the strategy the EU and its member states should apply to defend their citizens against various crises, secure increased autonomy against the actions of other superpowers and safeguard international cooperation. FEPS joined forces with S&D Group, Global Progressive Forum, Amicus Europae Foundation, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Foundation Jean-Jaurès, Daszyński Centre and Kozminski University, to debate on the EU strategic autonomy in an open public discussion broadcasted live.

In 2020, FEPS, in cooperation with FES and FJJ, launched “Strategic autonomy – pathways to progressive action” to investigate the concept of ESA. With that objective in mind, high-level policy experts provided actionable recommendations through a series of publications and roundtables around three areas: Security & Defense; Economy & Trade and Digital & Technology.
Find here some of the publications we published in the scope of this project :
An architecture fit for strategic autonomy‘ by Pol Morillas
Elevating the EU’s added value as a security provider‘ by Ana E. Juncos
Leveraging digital regulation for strategic autonomy‘ by Andrea Renda
Strategic autonomy tech alliances‘ by Paul Timmers
Countering economic coercion‘ by Elina Ribakova and Benjamin Hilgenstock
European industrial policy‘ by Jonathan Hackenbroich and Sebastian Dullien

📚 Read all our work on the topic!
6 March – New York, USA

Ensuring equality is an objective heavily impacted by the increasing digitalisation of our
everyday lives. This new normal also poses a series of new challenges, in particular to disadvantaged groups.

FEPS, Fondation Jean-Jaurès, PES Women and UN Women Germany join forces for a CSW67 parallel event. The aim will be to address the key political issues to anchor a more inclusive, socially empowering and fairer approach to the ongoing digital transition. It’s time to confront the resilience of existing non-discrimination and equality frameworks with the specific challenges posed by current digitalisation trends.
14 March – Dublin, Ireland

Are fiscal rules adequate in meeting their stated goals? Are they able to meet the EU’s current and future investment needs? Or would fiscal standards be more appropriate than hard rules?
FEPS and TASC will host a conference to discuss the possibilities for the transformation of the EU economic governance. With Shana Cohen, TASC Director, Marie Sherlock, Irish Labour Party Senator, Tom McDonnell, Nevin Economic Research Institute Co-director and other experts, we’ll launch our latest policy study on reforming the EU’s fiscal framework
28 March – FEPS HQ – Hybrid

New quick-commerce startups engaging in rapid grocery delivery often under 30 minutes from ‘dark stores’ have boomed. But what are the working conditions in the sector? To what extent does it overlap with the broader platform economy?
Join us, together with UNI Europa, for the launch event of the two policy studies that address these questions. Let’s better understand what we should expect for the future, as the venture capital that has funded these loss-making firms with unsustainably low delivery prices is drying up.
2-3 March – Valencia, Spain

The 4th edition of the School of Young Elected Politicians focused on the topic of gender-based inequalities and violence against
women. It is a training for young people from all over the EU, elected at the local or regional level, with the ambition to make progressive change happen in their respective communities. It was hosted by the PES Group in the EU Committee of the Regions, with the participation of FEPS, the Socialists Group in the Valencia Regional Parliament, the PSOE Group of the city of Valencia, Young European Socialists, the Party of EU Socialists, PES Women and the S&D Group.
What’s the best way to fight unemployment?How do we get decent work and transform our economy into a more sustainable society?
We want to hear your voice to collect citizens’ opinions on long-term unemployment and the potential for an EU-wide permanent program for direct, guaranteed public service employment. Take the survey here!

In collaboration with Our Global Moment, Fondazione Pietro Nenni and other progressive organisations across Europe, we launched this survey to explore ways to bring innovation in public sector-led job creation. Read more.

By László Andor and Uwe Optenhögel

László Andor, FEPS Secretary General, and Uwe Optenhögel, FEPS Vice-President, share their views on the EU response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine in Vorwärts. Read more.
Photo credits: Shutterstock/JensHertel
What does feminist foreign policy mean for progressives?

On Wednesday 1 March, a week before International Women’s Day, the centre-left German government announced the guidelines for the pursuit of its new feminist foreign policy. But what does exactly a feminist foreign policy entail? What potential does it offer? What are its likely criticalities? And what are the challenges that lie ahead?
In this new dossier, the Progressive Post explores this concept of feminist foreign policy – the contours of which still need to be fully outlined. Read more.

Photo credits: NATO

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