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FEPS Newsletter 23 Feb 2024 – Ukraine, feminist leadership, far-right, social issues and more!

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Discover FEPS' work on Ukraine
FEPS' work on Ukraine

Ukraine: Two years of war

It has been two years since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine shook the world. Ukraine is still standing, a testament to the strength and determination of its people. However, the journey ahead demands urgent support from the EU. Unity among EU member states is paramount as we continue to provide unwavering military and humanitarian support.

At FEPS, we immediately devoted attention and energy to monitor the war and its potential short-term and long-term consequences. On this tragic anniversary, we pay tribute to the defenders of Ukrainian independence, we prepare to support the reconstruction of the country and we reflect on our collective efforts by looking back at all our publications and activities on Ukraine.

Photo credits: Shutterstock / Drop of Light

Throughout the history of military conflicts, nations with robust war economies were better positioned to weather the challenges of prolonged hostilities and emerge victorious. However, two years into Russia’s aggression, Ukraine’s economy has not fully transitioned into a wartime model. 


During this online webinar, FEPS will bring a panel of policy experts to discuss what a war economy entails, in general, and what policies can be recommended for Ukraine, considering its current challenging circumstances. We will analyse actions that have already been taken, challenges that have emerged and recommend the next steps that need to be implemented

Read our new dossier on Ukraine


Ukraine: Two years of full-scale war

Between Ukraine’s resolve and allies’ indecisiveness

Ukraine is entering the third year of Russia’s full-scale war on its territory – and the tenth of Russian warfare against the country. The battlefield situation looks more critical than ever, and the future seems even bleaker, with EU and US support faltering.

However, has the EU not shown in 2022, as well as during the pandemic, that, when worse comes to worst, it is able to mobilise? Now certainly is such a moment again!

Photo credits: Shutterstock / Sarymsakov Andrey



Women CSO leaders for systemic change

By Joanna Maycock,  Céline Charveriat, Eloise Bodin and Angela Philp – In collaboration with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung EU office, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung EU and Green European Foundation

Read our policy study on 'Women CSO Leaders for systemic change'

Intersectional feminist leadership offers an exciting key to unlocking new ways of leading and living – and it is not just for women either! 


The first-ever study of its kind, ‘Women CSO leaders for systemic change, has been launched! Based on interviews with 150 women civil society organisation (CSO) leaders, this policy study takes stock of the progress over the last decade and identifies remaining barriers and new opportunities for women (CSO) leaders in achieving systemic change in Europe.


To see such a high turnout demonstrates how systemic challenges impact women CSO leaders, but there is an equally high demand for a better type of leadership. This is just the beginning – stay tuned! Read more.

Understanding right-wing populism and what to do about it


Understanding right-wing populism and what to do about it

PES Congress fringe event

1 March – Rome, Italy – In collaboration with PES CoR and S&D Group

Next week, we’ll be in Rome participating at the PES Congress, where we will co-host a side workshop to dissect the rise of far-right parties in Europe. 


These parties challenge democracy by undermining liberal institutions, polarising public discourse, and threatening the core values of equality and solidarity essential to social democracy. As the 2024 European elections approach, understanding the drivers behind the success of right-wing populism and formulating effective responses that align with socialist and social democrat principles is crucial.

With Commissioner Elisa Ferreira and a panel of policymaking experts, this event will elaborate on the added value and performance of the Cohesion Policy, knowing that the next EU legislature will face difficult debates on the next Multiannual Financial Framework.


Ahead of the upcoming European elections and the launch of the European Commission’s report on ‘Economic, Social, and Territorial Cohesion’, this public event will reflect on the current Commission’s work in this field and outline key elements of the next chapter.

FEPS mission to Brazil


FEPS mission to Brazil

FEPS President, Maria João Rodrigues and Thainá Leite, FEPS Project Officer, represented FEPS in our mission to Brazil. They met with key Brazilian actors and exchanged views and analyses on central issues to the relationship between Europe and Brazil. 

At this time of diverse challenges for the two regions and the world, and in a context of threats from the populist right and the possibility of them becoming even stronger in this election year, the dialogue focused on discussing transitions of power in the international order, the need for reforms of the multilateral system, the UN Security Council, and the international financial architecture, among others.



Social Europe: Vision and vigour

🎙️ Professor Björn Hacker provides a comprehensive insight into his latest book on Social Europe, a valuable addition to the FEPS Primer series. He particularly focuses on the evolution of the paradigm, the significance of the 2017 European Pillar of Social Rights and the needs and opportunities to develop the EU social dimension.

Listen to our podcast on Social Europe

🎧 Listen to this podcast on Spotify | Apple Podcast | Website | Youtube

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Foundation for European Progressive Studies
Avenue des Arts, 46 – 1000 Bruxelles

+32 223 46 900 – info@feps-europe.eu

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NATO-bővítés sok vitával: érvek, ellenérvek és lobbik a Clinton-elnökség idején

by BBC History 07/07/2024
"The controversial NATO enlargement: pros, cons and lobbying during the Clinton presidency" This article, written by FEPS Secretary General László Andor, looks back to the 1990s when the Eastern enlargement of NATO was requested, discussed, orchestrated, and eventually completed.

Falsely historic European elections bring little change, says FEPS

by Agence Europe 18/06/2024
Agence Europe's article features an analysis of the EU election results by Ania Skrzypek, FEPS Director for Research and Training, published in The Progressive Post.

Die EU-Osterweiterung nach 20 Jahren: Kann die Konvergenz sozial und wirtschaftlich nachhaltig gestaltet werden?

by Wirtschaftsdienst 13/06/2024
'EU Eastward Enlargement After 20 Years: Socially and Economically Sustainable Convergence?' FEPS Secretary General László Andor co-authored this article of the German journal Wirtschaftsdienst