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FEPS Newsletter 21 July 2023 – Latin America and the EU

🌎 FEPS Newsletter: Latin America and the EU
Brazil, EU CELAC, Care4Care, Korčula School, Digital Research Programme…
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Upcoming Events
This week, the Heads of State and Government of Latin American and Caribbean States came to Brussels for the EU-CELAC Summit and not to brag, but we had the opportunity to meet one of them. President Lula da Silva received our latest policy brief. We’ve been intensively discussing and researching the prospects for EU-Brazil relations, and we’re now glad to present our work to you.

For many of us, holidays are approaching, but before we start our summer break, you are invited to check out our upcoming events. We hope to see you all in September well-rested and ready for more progressive ideas!

In collaboration with Plataforma CIPÓ, we examined Brazil’s foreign policy under the presidency of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, focusing on the potential for enhancing relations between Brazil and the EU, particularly in the areas of climate change, sustainable development and energy transition.

Read about the domestic challenges faced by Lula’s government that could affect the implementation of Brazil’s foreign policy, with highlight on the changing global context and its impact on Brazil’s role in the world
The policy brief provides recommendations to enhance mutually beneficial cooperation between Brazil and the EU. Read more.
Brazil-EU: Parliamentarians’ exchange
17 July – FEPS HQ

How to strengthen EU-Brazil cooperation on the climate and sustainable development agendas? How can Brazil and the EU enhance their cooperation to counter anti-democratic and extreme right trends?
Those questions, among many others, were at the centre of the meeting we hosted in collaboration with Plataforma CIPÓ. The event brought together progressive Brazilian parliamentarians and MEPs to debate informally and identify opportunities to advance cooperation based on mutual interests. We particularly focused on the areas of climate, technological and energy transition, sustainable development and green industrialisation. Read more.
In the context of the EU-CELAC Summit, FEPS had the opportunity to meet with Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. On that occasion, Thainá Leite, FEPS Project Officer, and Maiara Folly, Executive Director and Co-Founder of Plataforma CIPÓ, presented him FEPS latest publication on EU-Brazil relations.
We were also pleased to share our publication with Ambassador Mauro Vieira, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil, Ambassador Celso Amorim, President Lula’s Special Advisor for International Affairs, and Janja Lula da Silva, First Lady of Brazil. Read more.
Photo credits: Ricardo Stuckert
🎙️Maiara Folly, Director and Co-Founder of Plataforma CIPÓ, and Andriy Korniychuk, FEPS Policy Analyst on International Affairs, discuss Brazil’s political and policy priorities and the prospects for EU-Brazil relations.
Brazil’s political landscape fascinates experts across the globe due to its vibrant democracy, complex socio-political landscape, and the country’s ability to navigate diverse ideologies and challenges while continuously striving for progress. Brazil’s voice and actions have the potential to shape global policies and contribute to finding solutions to pressing global challenges, such as climate change, sustainable development, and changing peace and security architecture.

🎧 Listen to this podcast on Spotify | Apple Podcast | Website
With this dossier, the Progressive Post puts in the spotlight a continent that the EU will increasingly rely on in the future, but in which the bloc should be more present too for its defence of fundamental values and human rights, as Spanish prime minister Pedro Sánchez has stated at the beginning of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU.
Photo credits: European Union
By Gesine Schwan

The EU’s approach to asylum and migration is failing because it is contrary to the values that the Union proclaims.

A pragmatic and humane response to the challenges posed by the refugee protection crisis can be found in municipalities and their active civil society.

Gesine Schwan outlines a detailed proposal on how to engage municipalities and civil society initiatives in the relocation and reception of migrants and asylum seekers. The proposal will not be a panacea for the complex EU migration and refugee policy. Yet, the tools illustrated in this book could benefit the hosting communities as much as the newcomers. Read more.
25-26 August – Korčula, Croatia
Initiated in 2012 by the CEE Network for Gender Issues this event is a unique free-thinking space for a forward-looking exchange of views on critical ideological and political issues. How can we transform politics to promote gender equality?
The Korčula School brings together women and men political leaders from centre-left and social-democratic parties, experts, political activists and feminists, especially from South Eastern Europe, to discuss gender equality issues.
6 September – Online

Do you know how much the need for care is projected to grow with the EU’s population ageing?
According to projections, the total age-dependency ratio could accelerate acutely and is expected to reach 76.1% by 2050.

Our next
policy lunch of the Care4Care series will discuss the importance of recognising care as a priority for EU sustainable investments. If well managed, the care economy can generate positive economic impacts and become a major vector for sustainable growth.

Led by machines
21 September – Stockholm, Sweden
With the computer revolution, the workplace has seen a rapid introduction of digital technologies for gig work, remote work, surveillance, and algorithmic management of workers.
This public launch of the FEPS-Nordics Digital Programme on Algorithmic Management and Workers’ Rights will bring together researchers, policymakers, trade unionists and other stakeholders from the Nordic countries to discuss the effects of digital tech on the nature of work itself across the labour market.
Are you interested in working on gender-related research with European progressive think tanks? Do you have experience working with data selection? Are you knowledgeable about contemporary political affairs in gender equality topics?
Then, get in touch with us! Together with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, we’re looking for a data researcher for our project ‘Towards a feminist strategy for care in Europe’. Read more.
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