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FEPS Newsletter 19 May 2023 – Next Left, Care, Mental Health and Beyond Growth

📮 FEPS Newsletter: Next Left, Care, Mental Health and Beyond Growth
Next Left Focus Group, Care economy, Covid-19, Quick commerce,..
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With the “Next Left” project, we bridge the analyses of the current state of social democracy with inspiring debates on possible future scenarios. This week, with events and publications, we reflected on the alternatives Progressives face ahead.

Mark your agenda with the events coming up on Care and Mental health. And enjoy an insightful reading with our latest Progressive Page.
By Andreas Schieder, László Andor, Maria Maltschnig, Ania Skrzypek, and many more

In less than two decades, there has been a major financial crash, a pandemic and war broke out following Russia’s brutal aggression against Ukraine. The 14th volume of the Next Left series depicts the tough political choices Progressives face in these turbulent times and reflects on the alternatives we have.

This volume is the outcome of the work by the FEPS-Renner Institut Next Left Focus Group, for which members carried out research and debates under the leadership of Andreas Schieder, Chair of the programme and MEP.
Read more.
By Roger Liddle, Thijs Reuten, Maria Maltschnig, Andreas Schieder and Ania Skrzypek

What can a Keir Starmer government achieve, and what obstacles stand in its way?

In April, FEPS and Karl-Renner-Institut invited Roger Liddle, member of the House of Lords, to discuss the prospects for Labour victory in the UK. In this Next Left policy brief, resulting from Next Left Lecture and High Level Conversation we present his main thesis and proposals for the party. Read more.

Covid-19 crisis
Implications and lessons for European social democracy
By André Krouwel and Yordan Kutiyski, with introduction by Ania Skrzypek and Ralf Hexel
How much trust do EU citizens have in their institutions? Are they supportive of their country’s membership in the EU? What do they think about immigration and climate change? Did the Covid pandemic change anything?

FEPS, together with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES),
Kieskompass (and with initial help of Instituto Cattaneo and Dynata), conducted a two-year-long research on various socioeconomic issues that saw over 6,000 people participating in six
countries (🇵🇱🇸🇪🇮🇹🇩🇪🇫🇷🇪🇸) during and after the Covid pandemic In addition to the summary of the outcomes of the project, each country has its own report. Read more.

We presented these studies with FES on 16 May during a round table at FEPS HQ.
Next Left Focus Group
12-13 May – Warsaw, Poland

Together with Karl-Renner-Institut, FEPS hosted the first meetings of the Next Left Research Programme’s new cycle. The Next Left Focus Group also participated in the IV Congress Forum Postępu, an event co-organised by Amicus Europae in cooperation with Centrum Ignacego Daszynskiego and FES Warsaw.
Among the keynote speakers, were Maria João Rodrigues, FEPS President, and Aleksander Kwaśniewski, former President of Poland, who addressed the moral and political imperatives the EU shares for the Ukrainian reconstruction. Also, Andreas Schieder, Chair of Next Left and Maria Maltschnig, Director of Karl-Renner-Institut, along with several members of the FEPS Focus Group intervened in debates and promoted the Next Left Vol. 14 – making it the third time and third EU capital in which these books were launched.
5 June – Online

With the expansion of multinational care companies across Europe, more rigorous European standards are needed to ensure decent working conditions and accessible, quality care for all.
To address staff shortages and improve recruitment and retention rates, there needs to be a fundamental revaluing of the care profession. The workers’ pay and conditions need to match their crucial role in our societies. Join us at the first policy lunch of the Care4Care series, where we’ll address the persisting challenges related to care policy-making and focus on policy-oriented solutions.
25 May – European Parliament

Around 11% of the EU population is estimated to experience mental health issues.

In order to prepare a robust strategy based on prevention, we need to address the health-related issues, and simultaneously improve the social conditions that contribute to stress and related mental problems. This roundtable aims to address the interrelations between vulnerabilities, mental health and addictions as a triangle of factors mutually influencing the well-being of individuals and European households.
15 May – Brussels, Belgium
FEPS joined as a partner in the organisation of two panels at this multi-stakeholder event, aiming to discuss and co-create policies for sustainable prosperity in Europe. Maria João Rodrigues, FEPS President, addressed the need to update our current welfare system to a socio-ecological one in which environmental and societal concerns are clearly stated.
Laeticia Thissen, FEPS Policy Analyst on gender equality, focused on the care economy and on how the success of a society does not only depend on its economic growth but on people’s well-being.

This discussion about a feminist future beyond growth continued in EU Observer.

By Steve Rolf, Rachel Verdin, Sacha Garben and Wil Hunt

The authors of our Policy Study ‘Back to the Dark Ages?‘ talk about it in an article about quick commerce workers’ rights in Social Europe. Read more.
Saving Europe’s social momentum
By László Andor

One year from now, European politics will be on the home straight to the elections for the European Parliament. Much of the time between now and then will be spent building election programmes and strategies.
For the Socialist family, it is obvious to build all these around social questions. In principle, this should be easy, but in reality, it is not. The reason is that many important issues, especially in the domain of social policy, do not fall into the competencies of the European Union. Read more.
Photo credits: Shutterstock/ Lightspring

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