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FEPS Newsletter 16 June 2023 – Ukraine, TJTP, Care4Care, Sahel, AI and Progressive economy

📅 FEPS Newsletter: Ukraine, TJTP, Care4Care, Sahel, AI and Progressive economy
Day of progressive economy, Territorial Just Transition Plans, Future of Care, Ukraine, OPU…
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Upcoming Events
When the week ends, it’s time to look forward (and not just at the sunny weekend ahead). We look at the future of care workers in times of digitalisation, at the future of socially just economies, and at the future of Ukraine when the war will eventually end. We start by looking at next week, when we’ll discuss all these problematic topics with high-level experts in Brussels, Berlin and London.

We also wrote about the Sahel region and the TJTP, and we recorded a FEPS Talks podcast. Yes, those can be read/listened to under the weekend sun ☀️

What are the European alleyways to regulate platform work? Should digital care services be seen as an opportunity or as a threat calling for regulation?
We’ll address the new challenges of care work in light of digitalisation and platformisation at our next policy lunch of the Care4Care series, organised in collaboration with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) and EPSU, with experts on the topic: Claire Marzo, Associate Professor, Paris East University; Adam Rogalewski, Policy Officer for Health and Social Services, EPSU; Irene Rioboo Leston, Researcher, EIGE, and Inga Sabanova, Policy Officer, FES Future of Work Competence Center.
20 June – London, UK – Hybrid

The EU has a crucial role to play in Ukraine’s post-war recovery and transformation.
Through a progressive lens the new volume ‘Europe and the War in Ukraine‘, published by FEPS, aims to answer a number of fundamental questions pertaining to the future of economic reforms and democratic governance in Ukraine. As the London Ukraine Recovery conference is upon us, we will build on the book and beyond in the discussion of Ukraine’s losses, prospects, proposals on the table and those that are lacking. Join us for the launch event of this new FEPS book’, in collaboration with PEGFA University of Greenwich and London School of Economics. This book is published in cooperation with Amicus Europae Foundation, Fondation Jean-Jaurès, FES Ukraine, Foundation Max van der Stoel (FMS), Kalevi Sorsa Foundation and Karl-Renner-Institute.
Thinking economics forward
Day of progressive economy 2023

19-20 June – Berlin, Germany – Hybrid
What are we doing to transform our economy for the future and make it socially just? How do we distribute the burdens and crisis costs without endangering social cohesion? What must progressive economic policy put on the table so as not to lose sight of long-term goals?
We will be discussing those questions, among others, during the ‘Day of progressive economy’, organised by FES in collaboration with FEPS, the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB), FiscalFuture and Macroeconomic Policy Institute (IMK). Join László Andor, FEPS Secretary General, to discuss ‘Navigating the poly-crisis: the global economy between energy crisis, inflation and economic bloc formation’ with Ceyla Pazarbasioglu, Director of the Strategy, Policy, and Review Department of the International Monetary Fund and Jörg Kukies, Secretary of State at the German Federal Chancellery.
The Open Progressive University held its second live lecture linked to the module on ‘security and resilience’ and delivered by Tomáš Petříček, Former Foreign Affairs Minister of the Czech Republic and director of Progressive Analytical Centre.
He framed “resilience as a concept that is primarily social rather than organisational” and expanded upon the social democratic approach to security. Bohdan Ferens, Founder of SD Platform, Ukraine, opened this academic presentation by highlighting the importance of rebuilding Ukraine, focusing on the needs of the ordinary people.
By Francesca Caruso and Francesca Lenzi

What will it take for the EU to promote positive change in the Sahel against the background of the changing peace and security architecture?

In collaboration with Istituto Affari Internazionali, we analyse the context in which the EU is trying to implement its 2021 Integrated Strategy in the Sahel by examining the challenges and opportunities that the new regional context offers Europe to act on behalf of security, peace and democracy in Africa.
Read more.

The Territorial Just Transition Plans (TJTPs) define the territories in which the Just Transition Fund will be used. With FES, CEE Bankwatch Network and Solidar, we present the lessons learnt from the TJTPs to improve ongoing and future transition processes. The policy brief explores four key areas of interest that are crucial in ensuring procedural and distributive justice: transparency, inclusiveness, capacity building, and strategy.
Read more.

Ever since Chat GTP became mainstream, the future of artificial intelligence (AI) has been hotly debated in the media, politics and academia. The call to regulate its development has been growing stronger, even from the leading developers of AI themselves.
The fear that an unchecked arms race in AI development could wreak havoc on society is looming large.
Photo credits: Shutterstock/ gopixa

🎙️In Barcelona, FEPS Secretary General, László Andor, talks with Professor Gösta Esping-Andersen, whose name is familiar to all who have studied sociology or political economy in the last 30 years.
They explore the connection between the role of families in reproduction, the quest for gender equality, and rising social inequalities. Prof. Esping-Andersen shares his view about the resilience of welfare states against crises, and he does not hide his opinion on the migration policy of the Danish government. The link between social democratic identity and the universalist welfare state turns out to be a key part of the conversation, which ends with outlining the role of the EU in support of the well-being of children.

🎧 Listen to this podcast
on Spotify | Apple Podcast | Website
On the independent international media platform openDemocracy, Yuliya Yurchenko, co-author of FEPS new book ‘Europe and the war in Ukraine‘, outlines the consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine for the Ukrainian population and the plans needed for Ukraine’s recovery. Join next week’s event ‘Ukraine’s (post)war economy‘ to discuss it in detail. Read more.
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