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FEPS Newsletter 12 May 2023 – Next Left, Beyond Growth, Climate & Digital and Social measures

📮 FEPS Newsletter: Next Left, Beyond Growth, Climate & Digital and Social measures
Policy breakfast, Recovery Watch, Call for tender, EP Open Day 2023…
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We hope you had a merry Europe week and a joyful Europe Day! We certainly did, as we came back fully energised from the Open Day of the EU Parliament where we got the chance to introduce ourselves to new future progressives and chat face-to-face with some longstanding fans. If you missed us, you can catch us again Monday at the EP for the Beyond Growth 2023 conference on sustainable prosperity. Or come visit us at FEPS HQ for the launch of the summary of a two-year-long research with over 6K people participating from six countries 🇵🇱 🇸🇪 🇮🇹 🇩🇪 🇫🇷 🇪🇸. If we won’t see you in person, we hope you will still enjoy reading our Progressive Page and latest publications!
By Andreas Schieder, László Andor, Maria Maltschnig, Eunice Goes, Ania Skrzypek, Eric Sundström and many more

In less than two decades, there has been a major financial crash, a pandemic and war broke out following Russia’s brutal aggression against Ukraine. The 14th volume of the Next Left series depicts the tough political choices Progressives face in these turbulent times and reflects on the alternatives we have.

This volume is the outcome of the work by the FEPS-Renner Institut Next Left Focus Group, for which members carried out research and debates under the leadership of Andreas Schieder, Chair of the programme and MEP.
Read more.
16 May – FEPS HQ

FEPS, together with Instituto Cattaneo and Kieskompass, conducted a two-year-long research that saw over 6,000 people participating in six countries.
The result is the study ‘Covid-19 crisis: implications and lessons for European social democracy’.

Join us, together with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), for the launch of these country-focused publications at this round table event.

15 May – Brussels, Belgium

How do we build and finance welfare systems compatible with sustainable economics? How do we better take gender into account in climate policies?
FEPS will take part in two panels of the Beyond Growth 2023 Conference, a multi-stakeholder event aiming to discuss and co-create policies for sustainable prosperity in the EU. Maria João Rodrigues, FEPS President, will join the discussion on the socio-ecological state, and Laeticia Thissen, Policy Analyst on gender equality, will join the panel on the care economy.
31 May – Online

At this roundtable, experts will discuss some of the findings of the Recovery Watch focus area on welfare measures, with a specific look at the policy implications for the EU and the member states.
The authors will present two research: ‘Promoting a just digital transition for workers‘ and the upcoming ‘Activating Welfare Reforms in National Recovery Plan’ policy study.
11 May – Online

Technology can become key for change but we must be aware of its duality: it can either be a solution or a cause to environmental problems.
Future policies on digitalisation need to be assessed through an environmental lens, and that was the scope of our latest policy breakfast, in cooperation with FES. Kerstin Hötte, Postdoctoral Researcher at Oxford Martin Programme on Technological and Economic Change, presented her ‘Climate and digital policy’ policy brief, and discussed it with Anna Berti Suman, Post-Doctoral Fellow at the EU Commission Joint Research Centre, and Mauro Santaniello, Associate Research Fellow at UNU-CRIS.
6 May – Brussels, Belgium

Last weekend the European Parliament opened its doors for exceptional visits during the Open Day 2023. We joined the S&D Group for a fun day with our Progressive family and with so many citizens that came to learn about the EP. We had the opportunity to chat with you, answer your questions and present you our most recent publications.


Do you want to research and write for Progressives on the state of the European Pillar of Social Rights and the future of the EU social agenda?

We seek an expert. to write a policy study with
information gathered at national levels, while working with members of Social Platform, FEPS and Solidar, and national civil society organisations.

Are you a woman in a leadership position in civil society? Do you feel satisfied with your job? Do you have a good work-life balance? Do you feel empowered by your work?
We want to know your opinion on feminist leadership and your experience as a manager! Our objective is to deepen our collective understanding of how NGOs can transform outdated workplace dynamics and bring about a much-needed seismic shift culture of work. Take the survey here!
A European interest: is there such a thing?
by Serena Giusti

Does a European interest exist? And if yes, what are its characteristics? Fascinating as these questions might be, there is no easy answer: even in the case of a traditional polity as a state, there is no consensus on how to define national interest.
Even the national interest is considered a rather obscure and analytically frail concept that has been monopolised by realism and is often linked to authoritarian regimes. Read more.

Photo credits: Shutterstock//Savvapanf Photo

The coming decades will be characterised by two significant technology challenges: climate change mitigation and digitalisation.
Kerstin Hötte, Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Oxford and Gerard Oosterwijk, FEPS Policy Analyst on Digital, discuss the positive and negative interactions across processes of technological advances involved in both climate change mitigation and digitalisation. They touch on green data spaces as an opportunity to create more transparency on the climate impact and the action needed on different levels.

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