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FEPS Newsletter 24 Nov 2023 – 🌐 Digital future of Europe events on 6-7 December

📅 FEPS Newsletter:🌐Digital future of Europe events on 6-7 December
Digital, EU Treaties, international affairs and Elimination of Violence Against Women
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Upcoming Events
Amid a wave of new AI technologies and with the EP elections nearing, how shall we shape Europe’s digital model? Join us for two days of debates on a progressive European vision for the digital transition!

Recently, the EU has made great strides in its digital policy, from curbing the power of Big Tech to promoting data sharing. But is it enough? Spoiler alert: no. Therefore, we invite you to join two significant events on the future of digitalisation in Europe, on 6 and 7 December.

On another note, this week, we have celebrated the European Parliament’s adoption of the report on amending the EU treaties, a topic we have been working on intensively, and the success of the Africa Day event. At the same time, we don’t forget about the ongoing wars and women’s rights, ahead of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.


Will the EU once again accept Big Tech’s power as a fait accompli while belatedly trying to mitigate risks, or can it chart a different course?

Join our conference on the EU approach to the digital transition. On Wednesday, December 6th, FEPS and FES are co-organising an evening of debates on the digital future of Europe. There will be keynotes by the European Commissioner for jobs and social rights, Nicolas Schmit; Evgeny Morozov, founder of The Syllabus; and Phoebe V Moore, the globally recognised expert on digitalisation and the workplace. The event will be moderated by John Thornhill, innovation editor at the Financial Times.
It’s time to reshape EU ambitious digital agenda and decide on how to turn it into reality. In the last few years, the EU has indeed made strides in setting a comprehensive regulatory framework to curb the power of Big Tech. However, significant challenges remain.

We invite you to a full-day conference in the European Parliament organised by FEPS and the S&D group. We will discuss various crucial topics, from how to ensure technology favours workers to how we can support artists in the onslaught of AI, what innovation and industrial policy we need for a democratic digital transition and much more. We will have an amazing panel of experts and policymakers. Among them, Alex Agius Saliba, Member of the S&D Group and EP Vice-President for Digital Affairs; Francesca Bria, Innovation Economist and Digital Policy Expert; and Paul Nemitz, Principal Adviser on the Digital Transition in DG Justice and Consumers of the EC.
Why we need targeted EU treaties changes

We recently published a report on EU Treaties’ targeted changes, which is garnering attention in the media, such as in Le Monde, Le Temps, and InfoLibre. In this opinion piece, FEPS president Maria João Rodrigues, explained, along with experts on the topic, why we need to reform the EU treaties, a matter extending well beyond the question of enlargement.

Good news! The European Parliament adopted the report on amending the EU treaties this week, responding to citizens’ expectations for a more effective and democratic EU.

29 November – Helsinki, Finland – Hybrid

What does “build back better” entail in the case of Ukraine? How can the recovery process be implemented in a way that strengthens civil society and improves democratic resilience?

More than one year and a half into Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, when emotional fatigue and disengagement may start showing up, FEPS and the Kalevi Sorsa Foundation invite you to get stimulus for an informed debate about Ukraine’s future in Europe.
20 November – Vienna, Austria

We gathered experts to debate the implications of the war in Ukraine, possible scenarios and Europe’s strategic options. We took this opportunity to present the main findings of two books: ‘Europe and the war in Ukraine‘ and ‘Forging Europe’s leadership‘.

The exchange, which took
place at the Karl-Renner-Institut, was essential to understand better the path ahead at a critical juncture for European integration and analyse the importance of progressives policymakers, experts and civil society for the reconstruction and transformation of Ukraine.
18 November – Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Yet another remarkable Africa Day! The day was filled with workshops, debates, lectures, literature, films, music, a fashion show and more.

This year’s focus was the crucial issue of climate justice. Center stage belonged to the youth, whose voices resonated through Nakabuye Hilda, Activist and Founder of Friday For Future Uganda. Their perspectives shed light on the urgency of the situation, particularly pronounced within Africa. Despite not being the primary polluters, African countries grapple with the unparalleled challenge posed by the climate crisis. The event welcomed politicians, activists, trade unionists, and experts, all contributing to the programme prepared by FEPS and the Foundation Max van der Stoel. Among them, Mohammed Chahim, MEP, S&D Group, Jan Pronk, Former Dutch Minister and many more. 📷 Pictures of the event can be found here.
Unsilenced voices: women’s struggle for rights in Iran and Afghanistan
By Leila Alikarami

Ahead of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on 25 November, we wish to remember the oppression women must endure in Iran and Afghanistan. We celebrate their strength and resilience.
Read more.
Photo credits: Shutterstock/ JessicaGirvan
With Yossi Beilin and László Andor

🎙️FEPS Talks invited Israeli political scientist and former minister Yossi Beilin to reflect on the tragic developments in Israel in the past month. Dr Beilin was an active participant in the Oslo peace process in the 1990s and, together with FEPS Secretary General László Andor, he elaborates on the chances of a new peace process after the October 7 terrorist attack by Hamas.

🎧 Listen to this podcast on Spotify | Apple Podcast | Website
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