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Spanish Minister Teresa Ribera awarded FEPS ‘Progressive Person of the Year’


Teresa Ribera, Third Vice-President of the Spanish Government and Minister for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, received the Progressive Person of the Year award from the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) on Wednesday, January 24th, 2024.

Ribera is an outstanding leader and international policymaker in the fight against climate change who has helped European socialists develop a robust climate agenda over the past decade.

The award ceremony occurred during the launch of the fifth edition of the Progressive Yearbook. The Progressive Yearbook focuses on transversal European issues that have left a mark on 2023 and brings insightful future-looking analyses for progressive politics in 2024 with expert contributions from academics, politicians, and civil society representatives. 

FEPS awards the title of Progressive Person of the Year to social democratic leaders who contributed to the most important progressive policy initiatives of the past year. Previous recipients include Frans Timmermans, Sanna Marin, and Roberto Gualtieri.

Watch the video of the award ceremony!

You can also read the interview with Teresa Ribera, included in the Progressive Yearbook, or listen and watch it on YouTube and Spotify.

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