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Call to participants: Training Days for Social Business

Switzerland, September 3rd 2022


Switzerland, September 3rd 2022

FEPS, together with its observer member Anny-Klawa-Morf Foundation, is delighted to present a call for participants for the Training Days for Social Business.

Background: The idea of the Training Days is to strengthen the understanding of the importance of social business and sharing the knowledge about challenges and opportunities from companies and employees working in a decentralized self-management. The project aims to provide new ideas and findings to the social and political discourse in this field.

When: Saturday, 3rd September 2022, from 09.00 to 16.00 hrs.

Where: Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Olten, Switzerland (30 min from Basel and Zurich train stations).

Arrival will take place the evening before, on September 2nd. There is the possibility of a joint dinner on September 2nd. Travel and accommodation costs will be covered. You can find the detailed programme here.

What can you expect?

  • New insights into research on alternative management models and the impact of self-organisation on employees
  • Hearing from entrepreneurs in Switzerland and Germany in this field
  • Exchange on the challenges in the field of self-organisation and social business

Process: Please send your application (CV and short letter of motivation) by 10th August 2022 addressing Ms Elena Gil, FEPS Training and Project Coordinator (elena.gil@feps-europe.eu) and Mr Beda Baumgartner, AKM Project manager (beda.baumgartner@anny-klawa-morf.ch), who may also be addressed in case of further queries regarding this Call.

Following the Call, successful candidates will be informed during the week of 15th August.

We are aiming at accepting 20 participants, observing principles of equality and fair representation. We have defined three different target groups for the project: Firstly, politicians and policy makers close to FEPS family. We want to fill the discussion about a fairer and alternative way of doing business with concrete content and life and to this end establish participatory management as a model. Secondly, we want to reach organizations that have already joined together in the network self-organization in Switzerland. And thirdly, we want to enable additional interested persons to inform and educate themselves about other forms of management.

Anny Klawa Morf Stiftung (AKM)
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