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Call for Tender – Research on Migration

This call for tender closed on 05/01/2024


This tender has been completed


The Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) is the think tank of the progressive political family at EU level. Our mission is to develop innovative research, policy advice, training and debates to inspire and inform socialist and social democratic politics and policies across Europe.

We operate as hub for thinking to facilitate the emergence of progressive answers to the challenges that Europe faces today. FEPS works in close partnership with its members and partners, forging connections and boosting coherence among stakeholders from the world of politics, academia and civil society at local, regional, national, European and global levels.

Today FEPS benefits from a solid network of 74 member organisations. Among these, 40 are full members, 26 have observer status, and 5 are ex-officio members. In addition to this network of organisations that are active in the promotion of progressive values, FEPS also has an extensive network of partners, including renowned universities, scholars, policymakers and activists.


The purpose of this tender is to select a qualified research partner able to produce four original policy studies on the challenges posed by the implementation of the Pact on Migration and Asylum, on the legal aspects, as well as its impact on the ground or – should the Pact not be adopted by the end of the current European legislative term – on the consequences of its non-adoption on the management of migration and asylum in Europe. 

In addition to the drafting of the four policy studies, the successful partner will be asked to proofread and edit the publications (which will be later formatted by FEPS in its own layout), as well as to discuss preliminary findings and challenges with EU stakeholders and decisionmakers, by means of either workshops or interviews or other channels. 

If selected through the present call for tender, FEPS offers the possibility of a contract until the end of November 2024.


A non-exhaustive list of requirements and preferences would be the following:

  • Proven expertise in policy research on European migration and asylum policies and laws 
  • Extensive research and policy networks on the topic at EU and national levels
  • Capacity to conduct interviews with stakeholders, experts and policymakers.
  • Strong communication and dissemination capacity.
  • Proven experience in proofreading and editing in English.
  • Proven ability to deliver in a timely manner and respect set deadlines.


Tender Process

FEPS reserves the right to conduct the tender process and select the successful tender. FEPS is not bound contractually or in any way to a bidder to this request for tender until FEPS and the successful winner have entered into a written contract.

The key dates of this call for tender are the following:

  1. Deadline for the submission of applications: receive the offer in writing via email by Friday, 5 January.
  2. Candidate(s) selection: Wednesday 10 January 2024.
  3. Start of the contract: as soon as possible once selected.

The offer must contain the relevant costs VAT included, cost per service and any other relevant benchmark enabling to compare candidates in equal conditions.

Tender main evaluation criteria

In non-preferential order, the evaluation criteria used to assess the quality of the applications is the following:

Criteria 1: A cost proposal: value per money offered by the applicant.

Criteria 2: Detailed information from previous similar successful endeavours, exposing the applicant’s capacity to accomplish the tendered mission in a satisfactory manner in accordance with the above-mentioned purpose of the tender and list of requirements. In particular, the submitted tender is to include at least two examples of publications related to the topic of European Migration and Asylum policies.

Criteria 3: Quantitative evidence of the available research and policy networks at both national and European levels.

Criteria 4: A short description of the envisaged methodology to guarantee the quality of the work produced, mainly but not exclusively factoring in available research and policy networks. 

Applicants must be able to work in the English language.


If the above request is of interest to your company, we invite you to liaise with hedwig.giusto@feps-europe.eu (FEPS Senior Research Fellow).

All written offers must be submitted to hedwig.giusto@feps-europe.eu (FEPS Senior Research Fellow) and put in copy to johan.robberecht@feps-europe.eu (FEPS Director of Operations), and as well as catherine.dubois@feps-europe.eu (FEPS Head of accountancy).

Offers not provided in writing via email will not be considered.


Prices must be fixed amounts in Euro.

The amount of VAT should be shown separately on the price offer and invoice.

Costs incurred in preparing and submitting tenders are borne by the tenderers and cannot be reimbursed.


In delivering the service the tenderer shall ensure the highest quality standards of which FEPS shall be the sole judge.


The tenderer undertakes that they will not at any time, either before or after the termination of this service, use or disclose or communicate to any person confidential information relating to the affairs of FEPS. This restriction shall continue to apply after the termination of the service without limit in point of time.

To ensure the independence of terms of their contract, the winning tenderer will sign a declaration certifying that they have no conflict of interests in relation to the tasks to be undertaken and undertake to inform FEPS’ Director of Operations should this status change.


FEPS reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, in whole or in part, to advertise for new proposals, to abandon the need for services, and to cancel or amend this call for tender at any time prior to the execution of the written contract. FEPS reserves the right to waive any formalities in the call for tender process. FEPS may respond to questions or provide.

information from tenderers, and is under no obligation to provide such responses or information to all other tenderers.

By submitting a proposal, the tenderer agrees that:

  • FEPS may copy the proposal for purposes of facilitating the evaluation of the proposal and agrees that such copying will not violate the rights of any third party.
  • It will not bring any claim or have any cause of action against FEPS based in any misunderstanding concerning the information provided or concerning FEPS’ failure, neglect or otherwise, to provide the bidder with pertinent information as intended by this call for tender.

The accomplishment of a tendering procedure imposes no obligation on the FEPS to award the contract. Should the invitation to tender cover several items or lots, FEPS reserves the right to award a contract for only some of them. FEPS shall not be liable for any compensation with respect to tenderers whose tenders have not been accepted. Nor shall it be so liable if it decides not to award the contract.


Foundation of European Progressive Studies (FEPS) Avenue des Arts, 46
1000 Brussels www.feps-europe.eu

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