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8th Call for New Members of the FEPS Young Academics Network


FEPS – the Foundation for European Progressive Studies together with its partner, Renner Institute (RI), is delighted to present a call for new members for the 8th cycle of FEPS YAN – FEPS Young Academics Network.


Read the 8th Call for memberes PDF | Discover the new FEPS YAN website

Background: the FEPS Young Academics Network (FEPS YAN) was established in March 2010 with an aim to gather promising progressive PhD candidates and young PhD researchers ready to use their academic experience in a debate about a more progressive Europe. Throughout the years, the project has gathered more than 350 members – many of whom are today professors of renowned universities, prominent experts in their respective fields and front bench politicians. Their exchanges and interdisciplinary research at the time of their involvement have resulted in a number of stimulating studies, contributing to the European socialist and social democratic movement. Today, FEPS YAN is one of the corner stones of the new FEPS Training Strategy.

We are launching the 8th cycle of FEPS YAN, which will start in summer 2022. A cycle consists of four phases:

  • (1) forming the working groups: Participants present their research interests to their fellow FEPS YAN members. Based on the convergence / connection among the research interests, thematic working group are formed. Each working group formulates a joint research question and develops a research strategy.
  • (2) research: Working groups conduct interdisciplinary and transnational research. They receive guidance and advice from selected academic and political mentors
  • (3) publication: Working groups write (at least one) academic and/or policy publication. You can find the papers delivered in the previous cycles on our website.
  • (4) dissemination: The outcomes and findings are disseminated to relevant European politicians and stakeholders, as well as to the general public.

What can you expect? FEPS YAN offers the opportunity to:

  • acquire an instructive experience within the community of FEPS and Renner Institut
  • get involved in the multidisciplinary debate about the future of Europe
  • conduct research and contribute to policy papers within thematic Working Groups
  • meet inspiring progressive academics, politicians, trade unionists, civil society activists and many more
  • belong to a vibrant and internally diverse community, where members stimulate one another, inspire each other in the scientific quests and also enjoy the time together!

FEPS is committed to promoting equal opportunities, fairness and diversity. We therefore strive to provide an inclusive and supportive environment where everyone feels respected and supported in fulfilling their potential.

What is expected from you? This call is addressed at outstanding and progressive young European academics holding a status of either PhD candidates or post-doctoral researchers. If selected, you will be expected to:

  • remain committed to the fulfilment of the goals for which FEPS YAN was established (according to the guidelines set in the FEPS Framework Activity Programme 2022)
  • actively contribute to the collective achievement of objectives set up by FEPS YAN within the long- and short-term work plans, helping to enhance the value and output of the Network
  • participate in all FEPS YAN seminars (online and physical)
  • act as a responsible member of your working group, providing inputs and actively contributing to the final publication(s) within the agreed deadlines.
  • contribute to the overall strengthening of FEPS and RI, through work within the FEPS YAN and through its representation within other FEPS, RI and third parties’ research and activities.

The application should include three documents, each submitted as a separate document and coded as: FEPS YAN 2022_Candidate_Name_CV / FEPS YAN 2022_Candidate_Name_Motivation / FEPS YAN 2022_Candidate_Name_Research)

(1) CV, focused on academic achievements and working experience

(2) Letter of motivation, with an emphasis on the specific contribution you will bring to FEPS YAN

(3) Abstract of 600–800 words, outlining the research interest that you would like to explore within FEPS YAN, including methodological and conceptual approaches, as well as an explanation why this is an important topic to you, to the academic world, as well as to politics / society.

The language used in the application documents is the same as the working language of FEPS (and FEPS YAN), which is English.

Topics: Although the Call is open to a great variety of topics, the proposals that focus on the four leading themes of the FEPS Framework Activity Programme 2022 (as listed below) will have a comparative advantage:

  • Shaping the recovery and building modern, resilient and sustainable post-COVID welfare states
  • Progressive ideas in the debate about internal and external challenges for the future of Europe
  • New models of society against the backdrop of digitalisation and tackling climate change
  • Russian invasion of Ukraine and short and long-term impact

We also welcome and encourage proposals acknowledging intersectional forms of inequalities, such as gender, disability, marital or parental status, racial, ethnic or social origin, colour, religion, belief, or sexual orientation.

Process: Please send your application by Friday, 11th March 2022 to the FEPS YAN Steering Committee, addressing Ms Elena Gil, FEPS Training and Project Coordinator (elena.gil@feps-europe.eu), who may also be addressed in case of further queries regarding this Call.

Following the Call, short online interviews will be scheduled with pre-selected candidates, after which the final list of the 8th cycle members will be drafted, and successful candidates informed. FEPS is aiming at accepting 30 participants, observing principles of equality and fair representation. New applications have priority over returning applicants.

Karl Renner Institut
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