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International Progressives gathered in the framework of the UNGA to send a message on Migration


Josep Borrell, Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Former Italian and French Prime ministers, Giuliano Amato and Jean-Marc Ayrault, Louise Arbour, UN Special Representative for International Migration supported by more than 30 well-know international academics send message in New York that the world still needs migrants.

Calling on world leaders in the context of the UN General Assembly, European think tank The Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) presented its groundbreaking strategy for a new global migration policy based on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration

Taking place after the Salzburg EU summit, where EU leaders showed their unity on Brexit and their division on migration, the Call for a different migration offered for the first time a global progressive narrative. This counter narrative by opposition to the current debate on migration assumes in particular, to use and define clearly such words as borders, security or identity, which have been captured by right wing populists for so long now. Contributors underlined also how leaders such Orban or Salvini have been instrumentalising migration for their nationalist cause and are not looking for a solution.

The forum centered around the need for integration policies rooted in humanity, dignity and solidarity and the key role of local communities. The following were among the group of thought leaders at the event.

  • Astrid Silva, Mexican-American Political Activist and DREAMER
  • Josep Borrell, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Spain
  • Giuliano Amato, Former Prime Minister of Italy, Chair of the FEPS Global Migration Group, Italy
  • Ambassadors Juan José Gómez Camacho and Jürg Lauber, Co-facilitators of the Intergovernmental Consultations and Negotiations on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration
  • Louise Arbour, United Nations Special Representative for International Migration
  • Neera Tanden, President and CEO of Center for American Progress
  • Jean-Marc Ayrault, former French Prime minister

Migration isn’t about numbers, it’s about people said FEPS President, Maria João Rodrigues. “The men, women, children that bring forth their own unique feelings, fears, hopes and stories, each with the inherent right for a better life. The increasing levels of migration around the world is not an emergency but instead a call for change – migration is a structural and ordinary feature of today’s society.”

This New York event was the third and final meeting of the FEPS Global Migration Group to discuss the adoption of the Global Compact for Migration as well as the ten-point frame of reference for progressive forces around the world to support ahead of the December meeting.

The full agenda, including other speakers is available here. Event speakers will continue to be available for interviews upon inquiry either in person or via phone.

The group is decided to stay committed. Next steps will be the World Social Forum (Mexico, 2-4 Nov.), a roadshow in different EU capitals, the PES congress (Lisbon 7-8 Dec.), the Intergovernmental Conference to Adopt the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (Marrakech, 10-11 Dec.) and debates, in 2019, during the European Electoral campaign.

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10 points of reference for a different migration


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International Progressives gathered in the framework of the UNGA to send a message on Migration