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The promise of freedom and democracy

European Social Democracy ahead of the 2024 EP elections

12:00 - 13:15
Vienna, Austria - Training
Karl-Renner-Institut, Karl-Popper-Straße 8, 1100 Vienna
The promise of freedom and democracy

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Within the framework of the “Next Left” project, FEPS and Karl-Renner-Institut have been working together for many years on political ideas and visions for a social democratic European policy. The core of the project is the so-called “Next Left Focus Group”, which consists of about 20 top-class academics from all over Europe who work on different policy fields from their respective academic perspectives and write articles on them. The topics are democracy, political parties, economic policy, climate policy, the social pillar of the EU and much more.

During this new reunion of the Next Left Focus Group, we had the opportunity to look back at our latest publication of Next Left (Volume 12 and Volume 13) and launch the newest Next Left publications.

Among the participants:

  • Andreas Schieder, Member of the European Parliament; Head of the “Next Left” research programme
  • Felix Butzlaff, Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Public Policy of the Central European University, Vienna; Member of the “Next Left Focus Group”
The promise of freedom and democracy

The discussion was moderated by Maria Maltschnig, Director of the Karl-Renner-Institut

This event was exclusively for the participants and alumni of the “Europapolitische Akademie”

For more information concerning the Next Left Research Program, please contact Céline Guedes, FEPS project officer (celine.guedes@feps-europe.eu)

Karl Renner Institut
Find all related publications

Progressive Yearbook 2024

Looking back to look ahead

Next Left country case studies

Exploring the state of Social Democracy in France, Austria, Romania and Australia

Social democracy without the people

Case study of the Polish Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)

Leading the way

Lessons for Labour from Europe
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In the media

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by TOK FM 22/05/2023
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