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25 - 27/03/2022
09:00 - 18:00
Warsaw, Poland
The Ones to Watch

In order to give you access to our events, FEPS processes your personal data together with any other organiser of this event mentioned in the description of the event and in accordance with 'FEPS’ data protection policy.

Warsaw, Poland, 25-27 March 2022

The second cycle of the Ones to Watch meets for the first physically in Warsaw, thanks to the kind support of the Amicus Europae Foundation.

FEPS “Ones to Watch” program is an initiative launched in 2015 as an alternative, innovative approach to the challenges faced, particularly within Central and Eastern Europe. It is understood as the group of 11 countries that joined the EU respectively in 2004, 2007, and 2013. The projects gather representatives from these member states in a number of three per country, all of whom are between 35-45 years of age and are already elected politicians.

This is a closed network event. For more information, please contact Céline Guedes celine.guedes@feps-europe.eu

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In the media

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