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The cost of personal transition

Forum for Progressive left solutions

10:00 - 14:30
Sofia, Bulgaria
The cost of personal transition

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The first ‘Forum for Progressive left solutions’, organised by the Institute for Social Integration, was held in Sofia, Bulgaria on 12 May 2023. It gathered more than 500 people to discuss a number of topical issues ranging from democracy and fundamental rights to food prices and AI, as well as the progressive policies and solutions needed to tackle them. The invited panelists featured a range of prominent progressive figures, government representatives, MEPs, trade unionists, academics, NGO representatives and agents of social change who promoted a progressive left vision for the future of Bulgaria and the EU, as a viable alternative to the conservative, populist agenda currently dominating the political spectrum in the country.

The second event was planned to take place on 16 February 2024 and was led by FEPS and co-organised by the S&D Group in the European Parliament and local Bulgarian partners. It focused on the socio-economic, healthcare and education aspects of the demographic crisis, demonstrating that persisting inequalities and lowering quality of life deteriorate the demographic situation in Bulgaria and Europe.

This event continued the series and focused specifically on issues related to the place and experience of the human being in an age of fundamental changes and transformations. Concretely, the topics covered the impact of climate change adaptation and green policies (including energy and transport), as well as the digital transformation and its impact on society, social interaction, personal physical and mental health, etc. The interventions focused on topics/issues closer to the people and their daily lives, demonstrating both the problems currently faced and the opportunities for improvement, mitigation or investment. The selected topics and speakers provided specific progressive positions and solutions, as well as a more general policy overview from a progressive perspective.

For more information regarding this event, please do not hesitate to contact Luis Sáez Jiménez, FEPS Project Officer (luis.saez@feps-europe.eu)

Institute for Social Integration
Socialists and Democrats (S&D)
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