For over four months, Belarusian citizens take to the streets in droves. The protests have been triggered by what they considered a stolen presidential election. It began on 9 August, right after the election, with a massive mobilisation of young people, women, and workers. The forceful democratic uprising is a breakthrough: a moment of hope the people can rise above the last remaining European dictator and topple him. With every day passing, with every struggle and push-back against the police, against intimidation, with every act of resistance and every strike, there is hope that Belarus will free itself and initiate a path towards democracy.
Therefore, FEPS has put together this Dossier with a special focus on Belarus. Amongst the articles there are the analyses of the underlying causes of the crisis, how it erupted and what the following stages of the still evolving process are.
These insights explain the dynamics on both sides and showcase the difficulties faced by the protesters while trying to consolidate into an opposition force. The dossier also puts things in the context – examining the positions of the neighbouring countries, as well as what the EU has done so far, and what is expected from the bloc.