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Photo album of the ‘Taxing the richest in the EU‘ in Budapest.

FEPS collaborates with the Institute for Social Democracy (Szociális Demokráciáért Intézet) to boost the Tax the rich European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) in the Hungarian context. 

“Tax the Rich” aims to tax great wealth to finance the ecological and social transition. If 1 million signatures from citizens across the EU are collected, the European Commission will have to propose legislation on the issue. 

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A positive narrative for a Just Transition

An approach to a more people-centred communication

Tightening welfare belts again?


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Expected labour market effects of the Green Deal Industrial Plan (1)

The potential of labour policy for Just Transition regions
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25 - 26/10/2024
Budapest, Hungary

Call to Europe – A free Hungary in a stronger Europe

Košice, Slovakia

Who will pay for the green transition?

FEPS HQ, Brussels

A new narrative for a just transition?

Policy study launch
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Join Tax the EU Billionaires Day!


Tax the rich

A European Citizens' Initiative

A new social contract for the well-being of people and the planet

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Progress towards inclusive economic transition but need for further improvements in terminology and framing of vulnerable groups
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In the media

Ласло Андор: Европа трябва да създаде нов модел за икономически растеж

by dir.bg 14/03/2024
'Europe must create a new model for economic growth'. Interview by Laszlo Andor, FEPS Secretary General

Цената на прехода – зелен, дигитален и демографски

by BNT 13/03/2024
'The cost of transition - green, digital and demographic' BNT Interview with László Andor about the three major transformations the world is facing.

Teresa Ribera, premiada por su labor en política internacional

by El Plural 26/01/2024
Teresa Ribera has been recognized by FEPS with the 'Progressive Person of the Year' award during the launch of the 'Progressive Yearbook.' Article by El Plural

Teresa Ribera, premio ‘Progressive person of the year’ por su labor en política internacional

by Europa Press 26/01/2024
Teresa Ribera has been recognized by FEPS with the 'Progressive Person of the Year' award during the launch of the 'Progressive Yearbook.' Article by Europa Press
Involved Networks

Institute for Social Democracy (ISD)