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Africa Day

Photo album of the ‘Afrikda Day‘ event in Amstedram.

On Saturday 18 November, the annual Africa Day took place. For 25 years, this has been the largest event about Africa in the Netherlands. A day full of workshops, debates, lectures, literature, films, music, a fashion show, and much more!

The theme of this edition was climate justice. All over the world, people are struggling with climate change, the greatest challenge of our time. But nowhere is the challenge as great as in African countries, even though they are not big polluters. A broad movement, therefore, demands just global climate action. On Africa Day, this is what we talked about. With a discussion about oil pollution in the Niger Delta, an election debate between candidates for the upcoming Dutch elections, speeches from climate activists, conversations between Dutch and African trade unions, literature programs, and much more.

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25 - 26/10/2024
Budapest, Hungary

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Notice of vacancy – Policy analyst on international relations

This vacancy is now closed.

FEPS at the ‘Africa Summit of the Future Dialogue’ in Abuja, Nigeria


FEPS President mission to China

Maria Joao Rodrigues participates in the ‘2023 Understanding China Conference’

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The Brazilian President was present in Brussels in the context of the EU-CELAC Summit
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In the media

Ласло Андор: Европа трябва да създаде нов модел за икономически растеж

by dir.bg 14/03/2024
'Europe must create a new model for economic growth'. Interview by Laszlo Andor, FEPS Secretary General

Цената на прехода – зелен, дигитален и демографски

by BNT 13/03/2024
'The cost of transition - green, digital and demographic' BNT Interview with László Andor about the three major transformations the world is facing.

Teresa Ribera, premiada por su labor en política internacional

by El Plural 26/01/2024
Teresa Ribera has been recognized by FEPS with the 'Progressive Person of the Year' award during the launch of the 'Progressive Yearbook.' Article by El Plural

Teresa Ribera, premio ‘Progressive person of the year’ por su labor en política internacional

by Europa Press 26/01/2024
Teresa Ribera has been recognized by FEPS with the 'Progressive Person of the Year' award during the launch of the 'Progressive Yearbook.' Article by Europa Press
Involved Networks

Foundation Max van der Stoel (FMS)